ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘’ Category

The Sabbatical Fund Continues —

Can I just say how blown away I am? Within two days, I’m already at 19% of the goal for this fundraiser I discussed. Two days! People have been sending me kind words about this plan, and really coming out of the woodwork for me. I am pleased and humbled. Energized isn’t the word for […]

SXSW 2010 Panel Proposals —

I’ll take a moment out of the keeping-me-from-updating-this-weblog project matrix to let you know that I have proposed two talks for the SXSW 2010 Conference. One of them is about geek documentaries, and the other is the production of GET LAMP. My intention is to have GET LAMP done this year, and therefore at SXSW […]

In Which You Make Good With the Cash —

Well, holy moly, people. I put out a call to help with the bandwidth bill to keep going while I do some life transitionary work, and didn’t you all come in droves. Donations ranged wildly, from a few bucks (thanks) to hundreds of bucks (thanks). And because of that, I am paid up for […]

A Sketch of Defcon Attendance —

This will be my 10th year attending DEFCON. I came in pretty late into actually attending hacker conferences, but I’ve tried to make up for lost time – I’ve attended something like 50 or thereabouts in the ensuing time. DEFCON continues to be the largest in most terms, with HOPE being a very close second. […]


…is named Rob. Rob and I are doing a trial set of days this week (I’m away during the middle of the week to keynote an Apple II festival) and we’ll see how a life of being given free food and drink but forced to log various bits of computer history fares for him. His […]

TEXTFILES.COM Call for Interns —

Well, here we go. I’m trying to clear out a bunch of backburnered projects this year. Some of them involve scanning, some involve sorting, and others involve cataloging. They’re all in that “getting this time-consuming process finished” realm, which doesn’t necessarily need me, in the personal sense, doing all the tasks. Here’s an example: I […]

Infringement From The Future, Legal Dept. —

From: Ted Schredd – Discover Fun <> To: Cc:;; Subject: Fwd: Your content on your site… Hey there, Very funny content on your site here Unfortunately you stole it from our site without giving us credit. Please remove it immediately to avoid legal action Yours truly, Discover Fun Legal Department […]

Blockparty! April 16-19th. Be there. —

Is it that time again? Why yes, friends, it most certainly is. Yes, the demoparty that RaD Man and I run out during Notacon in Cleveland, Ohio is now going into its third year. The website will give you a lot more details that I should have to dump here, but rest assured we’re going […]


So, 2009. It’s a tradition that people use the arbitrary time of the first day of the year to talk about where they’ve been and where they’re going.  Indulge me while I do same. This weblog has worked out pretty well for me; besides being a place where I can work out essays of thought […]

Another Blu-Ray Strike —

OK, I admit it. Nights get long down here at Jason Scott Ranch and I don’t like to just walk away from things for political/ethical reasons just because my politics and ethics fall along a different path than others might. So a combination of wanting to consider all my options and the fact that my […]