A History of Jason Never Shutting Up
Besides working as an archivist and filmmaker, I have presented dozens of talks and lectures on a wide range of computer-related subjects at events around the world. My speaking style is loose, improvisational, and heavily based on the reactions and responses of the audience. I have presented in return for honorariums, travel, charity, or the sense of a job well done, depending. If you have an interest in spicing up your event with a Jason Scott speech, feel free to contact me.
Here is a list of some of the speeches I’ve given over the years, with links to mp3 or avi files where available. They’re presented in reverse chronological order.
- The Big Apple II Roundup – Jason Scott – KansasFest 2017
- Podcast: The Internet Archive with Jason Scott – The Retro Hour EP69: May 5, 2017
- Jason Scott: Dead Man Beeping: Shouts from the Cutting Edge of Web-based Emulation: May 5, 2017
- Jason Scott – Now and Then, Here and There [HOPE XI]: Aug 12, 2016
- Kansasfest 2016 Jason Scott The Emularity Deep Dive Aug 2, 2016
- Amy On The Radio Interviews Jason Scott Sep 6, 2016
- Jason Scott – The City On The Edge Of Whatever Jan 5, 2016
- VCF East 9.1 – Internet Archive – Jason Scott Dec 29, 2015
- Running an Online Arcade in the Era of Perpetual Copyright #PABC2015: Dec 8, 2015
- Jason Scott , Keynote Speech, Impakt Festival 2015: Nov 6, 2015
- Jason Scott – Archive.org and the Terrific Machine: Oct 23, 2015
- And You Will Know Me By My Trail of Documentation, Derbycon, September 25, 2015
- The Race to Undelete History, Kansas City, July 13, 2015
- The Emularity and the Future of Infinite Game, Save Game, April 28, 2015
- Schrödinger’s Hard Drive: Everything is Saved Forever, Except Where it is Utterly Lost, Digikult Conference, March 25, 2015
- So You Want to Murder a Software Patent, DerbyCon, September 27, 2014
- The House is on Fire, the Fire Trucks are on Fire, The Fire is on Fire, CALI Conference for Law School Computing, June 19, 2014
- Every Computer, Ever, In Your Browser, Gotland Game Conference, May 29, 2014
- From Colo to Yolo: Confessions of the Angriest Archivist, BACON Conference, May 16, 2014
- The City on the Edge of Whatever, BUILD Conference, November 14, 2013
- The Mysterious Mister Hokum, Derbycon, September 29, 2013
- Making of the DEFCON Documentary, DEFCON 21, August 2, 2013
- The Twenty-Year Butterflies, UKSG Conference, April 10, 2013
- Time Travel From 2100: A Kit, Heroku Waza Conference, February 28, 2013
- Wanted: Dead or Alive, Webstock Conference, February 15, 2013
- Rescuing the Prince of Persia from the Sands of Time, Derbycon, September 28, 2012
- Indie Game: The Movie Panel/Q&A, XOXOFest, September 2012
- The Save Button Ruined Everything: Backing Up Our Digital Heritage, dConstruct, September 7, 2012
- Jason Scott’s Strange and Wonderful Digital Argosy, HOPE Number Nine, July 13, 2012
- Open Source, Open Hostility, Open Doors, OS Bridge 2012, June 28, 2012
- Preserving the Creative Culture of the Web, SXSW, March 11, 2012
- Archive Team and the Case of the Widespread Recognition, Personal Digital Archiving 2012, February 24, 2012
- Collecting and Preserving the Web, ROFLcon Summit, October 1, 2011
- Jason Scott’s Shareware Calvacade, Derbycon, September 30, 2011
- ARCHIVE TEAM: A Distributed Preservation of Service Attack, Defcon, August 6, 2011
- The Story of Archive Team, Personal Digital Archiving 2011, February 23, 2011
- Sailing the Seas of Computer History: Pirates!, Machine Project, September 20, 2010
- You’re Stealing it Wrong: 30 Years of Inter-Pirate Battles, DEFCON 18, July 31, 2010
- Confcon 2010 Opening Keynote, CONFCON, July 23, 2010
- Digital: A Love Story – A Conversation with Christine Love, The Next HOPE, July 16, 2010
- The Heroes of Usenet (Moderator/Panelist), ROFLcon II, April 31, 2010
- Great Hackers and Hacks of New England, Quahogcon, April 24, 2010
- GET LAMP: The Panel (Moderator/Panelist), PAX East, March 26, 2010
- The Splendiferous Story of Archive Team and the Rapidly Disappearing Digital Heritage, Shmoocon, February 6, 2010
- The Atomic Level of Porn, Arse Elektronica, October 2, 2009
- That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars, DEFCON 17, July 30, 2009
- ConfCon Opening Commencement, July 25, 2009
- Kansasfest (Apple II Conference) 20th anniversary Keynote, July 22, 2009
- The Presentation Presentation, NOTACON 6, April 17, 2009
- Super Jason Scott Presentation 64, NOTACON 6, April 16, 2009
- EGAD TUNA: The Story of Sockington, ROFLthing, January 24, 2009
- Time Travel on 8 Bits a Day, Paraflows 2008, September 18, 2008
- Making a Text Adventure Documentary, DEF CON 16, August 10, 2008
- One Last Time: The Hacking/Phreaking History Primer, HOPE 7, July 19, 2008
- Before the LOL, ROFLcon, April 25, 2008 (Rocketboom Remix)
- Now and Then, Here and There: Editing, Notacon 5, April 4, 2008
- I Will Be Your Eyes and Hands: Adventure and Reality, Shmoocon, February 15, 2008
- The Edge of Forever – Making Computer History DEF CON 15, August 4, 2007
- Wikipedia, Brick by Brick, Notacon 4, April 27, 2007
- OLPC Panel, Shmoocon, March 2007 (Jason Scott excerpt)
- Mythapedia, STM (Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers) Innovations Seminar, December 1, 2006
- The Wheel of Computer History, Phreaknic X, October 2006
- Underground Documentaries: The Art of the Interview and the Access (with Julien McArdle) H.O.P.E. Number Six, July 2006
- Retrocomputing (with Sam Nitzberg, Cheshire Catalyst, Sellam Ismail) H.O.P.E. Number Six, July 2006
- Making Tech Documentaries: How and Why, OSCON, July 27, 2006
- The Great Failure of Wikipedia, Notacon 3, April 8, 2006
- Your Moment of Audio Zen: A History of Podcasts Notacon 3, April 7, 2006
- ConCon: A History of Hacker Conferences, Shmoocon 2, January 13, 2005
- BBS Documentary Presentation, PhreakNIC 9.0, October 22, 2005
- Fidonet Presentation and Q&A, ToorCon 7, September 17, 2005
- Why Tech Documentaries are Impossible (And why we have to do them anyway), DEF CON 13, July 31, 2005
- The History of the Coleco Adam, Notacon 2, April, 2005
- BBS: The Documentary: A Preview, DEF CON 12, August, 2004
- Saving Digital History: A Quick and Dirty Guide H2K4, July 11, 2004
- 100 Years of the Computer Art Scene (with RaD Man) Notacon 1, April, 2004
- Apple II Pirate Lore Rubi-Con 5, March 29, 2003
- Keynote: The Future is Now Rubi-Con 5, March 28, 2003
- History of Phreaking 101, PhreakNIC 6.0, November 1, 2002
- Documenting the BBS, Rubi-Con 4, April, 2002
- So You Got Your Lame Ass Sued: A Legal Narrative, DEF CON 9, July, 2001
- TEXTFILES.COM: One Year Later, DEF CON 8, July 29, 2000
- TEXTFILES, G-PHILES, AND LOG FILES: Remembering the 1980s Through ASCII, DEF CON 7, July 10, 1999
“If Jason Scott is on the lineup for a talk, go to it. That man could convince you you’re the opposite sex. He knows how to motivate the audience and really gets you thinking. Do not miss him!”
– Riscphree (Link)
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