ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

BBS Documentary 20th Anniversary Fundraise Sale —

This post has two interesting aspects: It will disappear when it’s finished what it set out to do, and it’s also a fundraising for another fundraiser.

This is the 20th anniversary of the BBS Documentary, my 2005 released DVD box set. The work was always open licensed and it can be downloaded very easily from a variety of places. So, let’s be very clear – this isn’t some gatekept situation where the movie has been “gone” before now. The physical boxes I sold from 2005 to about 2012 sold out, but the episodes and disc images are free for all.

But I want to support my friend Chris Orcutt’s fundraising for promotion and other costs related to his epic novel project, one he has spent twice as long on than I did on my BBS Documentary.

Additionally, I do get people mailing me or asking if there’s any other copies of the BBS Documentary. I have generally said no because I believe I was completely sold out. But in the move from all my storage units to my new office, I did discover one more box and a few extra of original, sealed, BBS Documentaries. They look like this.

Either you really, really want these, or you can be quite content to just watch the movie online. I am saying this multiple times so you realize you have many options to enjoy the work.

But, as a way of my raising cash to support my friend, and to get these out of my office, I’m selling shrunk-wrap copies of the BBS Documentary for $200 apiece, plus shipping.

If, in fact, you want to buy one, mail me at the following address: – I will let you know if copies are still available, and where to send funds. When you do that, the documentary will be carefully packed and sent out at the beginning of April.

I’m going to do a bunch of stuff related to the 20th Anniversary of this life-changing project, but for the people who wanted this box, beyond all reason (I do not think it’s the greatest deal, other than knowing you’re indirectly supporting a very important project by a very close friend of mine)… this is your time to go for it.

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