ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

The Case for Manuals —

It has been quite a great time at my new position within, working as I am from a remote location. Forget hitting the ground running – I’m trying to make the ground have no idea what hit it. I already just mentioned the MUD archiving work I’m calling out for, but there’s lots more […]

Jason at Internet Archive Party, June 5 —

OK, do NOT wear the same dress as me – this is my big coming out party, after all. Well, more specifically, on June 5th, 2011, the Internet Archive ( my new employers) are having a reception and ceremony and open house around their newest building, the Internet Archive Physical Archive in Richmond, CA. Here […]

Blotstation —

You know those stories where you go “man, when I write out the big long memoir and history, that’s gonna be one fuckin’ funny chapter”? And then you don’t? And then they’re gone? This is one of those, except it’s not going to be gone. I’m putting it here, after reading this excellent analysis of […]

Who Designed Mr. Do? —

I know, lots of things are on my plate and all of us are very busy with whatever has the emotive grip of the world on any moment on twitter, but I suddenly had this weird realization. Who designed Mr. Do!? This is what Mr. Do! looks like: Depending on how rich or poor you […]

The Geocities Torrent: Patched and Posted —

Obviously other things are starting to come to the forefront with regards to saving digital history, but starting projects and not seeing them to fruition/completion is no way to go about life, even if it’s a business plan for some people. So, the Geocities Torrent, a 900gb monster compressed to 643gb and spread via the […]

The MUD Archives: It’s About Goddamned Time —

OK, just a few days into my Archiving position at, I think we’ve had enough time before I start initiating new projects. In’s realm, you can add “items”, which can be movies or books or software or what have you. You can then put those items into a “collection”, which is where you […]

The Splendiferous Story of Archive Team —

I figured I’d show you what I wrote as notes for my presentation at the Internet Archive. The audio from this presentation is here. (20min, 28mb). PRESENTATION BY JASON SCOTT PERSONAL DIGITAL ARCHIVING CONFERENCE 2011 FEBRUARY 24, 2011 INTERNET ARCHIVE, SAN FRANCISCO HEADQUARTERS There is nothing more tiring than an activist. They’re boring in conversation, […]

A Valentine from Archive Team —

Well, not so much a valentine as a status update. But we’re just trying to help the lonely, here. It’s also another call to arms. But first… the Geocities Torrent/Collection. You’ll be glad to know multiple copies are out in the wild. However, the main torrent has taken a little time to get to the […]

The Next Documentary —

I think the BBS Documentary surprised a lot of people by being so huge and coming out of nowhere. Just like some of my websites, that was definitely the intention – go from zero to 100mph and a massive collection, so that people who didn’t know they wanted something got it in spades. It has […]