ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

Destroying the History to Save It —

Hi Jason, I have a question for you, I’m hoping you can help me decide what to do. I have a lot of vintage computer magazines and books. Not Information Cube level “lots”, but still, boxes and boxes of them.  A lot of this stuff is destined for and Some of it, I […]

Where is Dor Sageth? —

A fan wrote the following letter, which I’m including in its entirety. They’re right, this game appears to have completely disappeared and can’t be found. But maybe some kind souls can help. As I and others add more and more information, perhaps more knowledge about the game can arrive – but I’m pretty sure the […]

Geocities Torrent Update —

Hey, remember that Geocities torrenting thing? OK, so right now no person outside of myself has the full copy of the Geocities torrent actually torrenting. Let me explain why and show the roadmap to fixing that. Essentially, the problem is that my internet connection isn’t what it used to be – I used to have […]

Yahoo!locaust —

This little purple piece of crap is the screenshot heard around the world. You know, doing work with Archive Team, you can sometimes (well, often) feel you’re doing amazing work.  We got a nice run against Geocities, got a lot of attention with things, spread the word a bit… you know, heroes and all that. […]

A Little Less Conversation, a Little More CDs —

After a week or so of duping ISOs on the side, here is the collection as it currently stands. These will be eventually uploaded to and its mirrors. I’m happy to say two people have stepped forward and CD.TEXTFILES.COM will have two mirrors, CDMIRROR.TEXTFILES.COM and CDMIRROR2.TEXTFILES.COM. This makes me feel a ton better about […]

The Ninety Dollar Shareware CD-ROM —

I am going through a massive pile of CD-ROMs I bought on auction. For $40, including shipping, I got something like 200-300 CD-ROMs of shareware, trials, cover disks and random what-have-you.  I had another package from a contributor who sent in his collection, so the number’s probably closer to 300. That’s a lot of historical […]

Mom and Pop —

I got this back in February from a guy named David, and David was entirely right. I was just discussing with my co-worker that most of the good old mom and pop computer stores are now gone (having presumably been killed off by the Internet and online shopping).  Granted I’m in Albuquerque, NM and we […]

How Facebook Export Currently Works —

In October, Facebook made the announcement that you could finally export your information. Woo hoo! What’s interests me is less how Facebook implemented the exporting (spoiler alert: so-so) than the fact that they felt they need to do this. Why did they spontaneously decide to add exporting of any fashion? (If you want the clunky […]

CD.TEXTFILES.COM Needs Mirrors —

OK, so CD.TEXTFILES.COM is such a wild, insane success that I’m starting to think I need mirrors. Right now, the data’s only in two locations, and I don’t like that. I’m going to make it three, shortly. With over 350gb of data in over 3.3 million files, it’s a lot of data. But what data! […]