ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

In Which I Straight Up Hit You For Cash —

I can’t remember ever doing this, but current times require it. Basically, my bandwidth bill for TEXTFILES.COM has come up, and it will be a struggle for me this quarter to pay it. (I pay quarterly instead of monthly.) I am shifting around money coming up with the ability to charge it, but I’ve been […]

Back and Forth —

from Don Nguyen to cc Wilson Rothman , date Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:37 PM subject BBS pornography in 1979 Hi, My name is Don Nguyen, and I work at Gizmodo, a gadget and technology website. We are currently working on features about technology thirty years ago, and one of the issues […]

ConfCon 2009 —

I will be the opening commencement speaker at ConfCon ’09, which is being held in a little more than a week, on Saturday the 25th. You have very little excuse not to attend. Why? Because ConfCon, a conference dedicated to the subject of Phone Phreaking, will be held on a telephone conference for five straight […]

That Time I Gave Computers Away —

This happens rarely enough that I can actually enter a weblog entry about it. I actually gave away a couple of computers. When I take stuff in, it’s not with the intention to hoard it. It’s to provide the best home for the equipment/data/artifacts, save them from the dumpster, broker a future for them that’s […]

AAlib in Flash —

I am very impressed with Peter Nisch’s work in porting AAlib to Flash. Click on this image if you just like seeing stuff and playing with it: Peter has an excellent weblog posting about his project, including references, source code, and example images. AAlib is one of those things that gets shown to me a […]

XORcon and Chiptunes —

Spent a nice little day (or part of it) at XORcon, an impromptu (by most standards) conference held in an august Harvard hall, and in which a few dozen people listened to a few other people talk about a range of eclectic subjects. I took some photos, but they’re pretty universally terrible. Here’s one to […]

The Continuing Adventure of Archive Team —

Archiveteam, the proposed league of archiving superheroes I mentioned in a weblog entry and then another one, has been a wonderful success so far. The website is being updated frequently, the occasional project goes underway to save things, and a sad loneliness I felt about the process of saving things has been greatly assuaged. I […]

Ah, Joe Clark. —

Ah, Mister Joe Clark. A person who has created some sort of visual work that has spoken language will decide they want it to be more accessible, either to people who don’t speak the language or to a raft of other folks (who I’ll cover in a moment). Naturally, these people will start searching around […]

Google Catalogs, RIP —

I’m rather conflicted about the death of Google Catalogs, an excellent tech demonstration by Google of reading and browsing through catalogs of all stripe, implementing near-seamless searching of the content via OCR, so you could search for, say, “tuna hat” and if any of their catalogs (which went into the hundreds) had a tuna hat, […]

Rob Swindell and the Synchronet Museum —

I interviewed Rob Swindell for the BBS Documentary. At the time, he looked like this: This is, believe it or not, officially 6 and a half years ago. Time really does fly!  And if you need any further proof of that, his kid was asleep next to me during the interview, here: And here she […]