ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Rob Swindell and the Synchronet Museum —

I interviewed Rob Swindell for the BBS Documentary. At the time, he looked like this: This is, believe it or not, officially 6 and a half years ago. Time really does fly!  And if you need any further proof of that, his kid was asleep next to me during the interview, here: And here she […]


Well, when I wrote my initial angry screed and then followed it up with an angry screed responding to the resulting angry responses I knew I had to act, so I registered, sat on the IRC channel I mentioned (#archiveteam on EFnet) and waited to see what would happen. I’ve called for projects with collaborators […]

Tennis Court Phone —

    There’s a strange bit of editing in Debbie Does Dallas I wanted to point out, since there’s something filmatic to be learned from it. Debbie Does Dallas, in case you’ve missed it, is one of the most successful porn films of all time. The plot, such as it is, concerns some girls who are […]

The Little Black Diamond —

This little guy showed up in my “pending” folder of suspected spam: FleexuplixBes SOMEWHERE/members/natashha Submitted: Great web-site!!! You did an amazing job!!! I enjoyed watching the videos!!! You guys are great! Talking about ideas, there\s this really good show, which I like a lot, and I\m sure you\ve heared about it. It\s called […]

Undistilled Amazing —

Fine, I’m prone to writing some pretty negative things. Let’s spend a quick respite with me marvelling over a site done right. To qualify with me for being a site that’s above and beyond, you have to fulfill some pretty deranged criteria. First of all, you have to do something few others can do. Next, […]

Why Hello There: An ASCII Reboot —

This is the first post of ASCII.TEXTFILES.COM under the new location and software. I’m now running WordPress, a very popular and very enjoyable weblogging software suite that first flirted with me years ago. Attempts to switch over to it seemed involved and tedious, considering how entrenched my hundreds of entries were under my old software. […]

Recording the Beatles —

Oh, what a treat. To make this book review and accolade more interesting, I will be peppering it with lessons I learned or re-learned from the authors in bold and italic. Lessons re-learned are even more important than lessons learned. The creators of the book Recording the Beatles stopped by the public library in Boston […]

Mr. Influence —

Evil League of Evil Application – Mr Influence from Will Keary on Vimeo. A friend of a friend was sent in my direction because he had decided he wanted to make an Evil League of Evil Application. To know what the Evil League of Evil is you probably need to know about Dr. Horrible’s Sing […]

Awesome! Unsurpassed! —

One of the side effects of the massive cleaning and sorting effort in my office is that tons of to-dos are now flying up to the surface, able to be addressed as time permits. I still don’t have a lot of time but now instead of glancing over a sea of scary paper and boxes, […]

In Which I Ask You Nice People a Question —

A quick question, because I don’t even know what the right answer is. There’s a chance for doubled content between this and the other weblog. Stuff in which I am a bitter bucket of beans will always end up here, where it is expected and tolerated, while such attitude will not make an appearance on […]