ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Unfeelies —

In my pile of incoming documentaries and DVDs to watch, I seem to have stumbled onto a new level of scant packaging. I ordered a copy of “Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soapbox”, a documentary about Dr. Bronner. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s fine; that’s the whole point of a documentary, to be […]

Unnecessary —

This is a delightful salad of concepts, chopped up and presented for your perusal. My buddy Chris and I have this running joke/theme going for the last months or so, where we send each other basic how-tos in each other’s field, his being writing and mine being filming. We also bump into a lot of […]

The Feelies —

An occasional surprise or insight has come out of my interviews for GET LAMP that’s unlikely to get the amount of depth it deserves in the final work. I could be wrong and it’ll be prominent, but let’s assume for today’s entry that this isn’t the case. I’d like to talk a little bit about […]

ROFLcon —

I’ve been tapped to speak at ROFLcon. ROFLcon’s one of those ideas that is either going to be a spectacular one of a kind event or a complete mess; either way it does promise to be utterly memorable. The premise is simple; assemble a bunch of “Internet Memes” and see what happens. Have some talks […]

The Modem Man Rap —

This little gem got contributed to me this week: a recording of people screwing around on a phone conference in 1987, doing a little ditty called the Modem Man Rap. Here’s the 866k mp3 file. I figured I’d transcribe the greatness for you. All right, take it from the top…. the Modem Man Rap Yo […]

Health and Exercise Update —

About a year ago, I told you I was starting a new exercise regimen. And that I did! Man did I work out. Here we are a year later, and I didn’t go to the gym, mostly, for the last 3 months. So, am I slacker? Well, no. My gout and kidney stones increased to […]

Shmoocon Success —

Another great shmoocon. Attendance was highest ever, the location within the hotel had been recently built, and the competency and brilliance shine all throughout the event. It skews professional, but I can live with that for the great times and opportunities it gives. I took almost no photos this time around, sadly; I just didn’t […]

Face to Face with Luna City —

I’ve been mentioning Peter Hirschberg and his arcade for some time now, as well as his other projects. All positively, I might add. And by positively, I’m using that as a shortcut for “drooling incessantly over how much style he exudes in everything he does”. It’s really just a great thing to know guys like […]

A Carrier Detected for Three Decades —

On January 16, 1978, Ward Christensen started his Monday trying to dig himself out of a snowstorm. Unable to successfully do so to commute out to his job as an IBM sales engineer, he went back inside and talked to his friend Randy Suess, a fellow member of the Chicago Area Computer Hobbyist Exchange. Ward […]

Danger Safely Outside the Danger Zone —

The refreshing cascade of new faces to the weblog over the last week have reminded me of all the ways online communication enables us to not just interact, but hate remotely. I had forgotten, I guess, how easy it is for people to take a few quick glances at some data and shove their two-line […]