ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sleep Lab 2020 —

Sleep Apnea is where your body forgets to breathe while you sleep. Or, to be less dramatic, an “event” where your oxygen intake is below average. For some people, this almost never happens while they sleep. For others, it happens constantly. I have sleep apnea. I’ve likely had it for a long time, but I […]

Hard-Won Information on Editing with USB —

Boy, you can’t get drier than that for a title, but I thought I’d mention all this anyway. While working on some of my editing, I discovered a small (about 20) set of clips from my collection are in fact dead. Black screen, empty soundtrack. Still the size they would be if they had data, […]

Truth in Numbers —

You might be surprised that I feel bad for the creators of the Wikipedia Documentary Truth in Numbers. People who knew me as the writer of the most definitive critique of Wikipedia have occasionally asked me why I wouldn’t turn my documentary-making skills to doing a documentary about Wikipedia. Simply enough: any such film I […]

I Love You, Cinematic Snow —

Today I woke up to cinematic snow. Regular snow falls down in little flakes and eventually makes piles of snow. Cinematic snow is image-ready incredible prop snow where every flake is the size of a quarter and you can look out and even snowflakes hundreds of feet away are pretty visible. Because they’re huge, they […]

The Speech of Forever: Talk Notes —

You are either a fan of my presentations I’ve given over the years or you are not. I am not here to dissuade you in either direction. But I figured that since a lot of people think presentations are “magic” or otherwise a talent they are utterly incapable of, and because I happen to have […]

Jumper and Childhood —

I saw the movie Jumper last weekend with a few family members. I enjoyed the movie immensely, but for entirely wrong reasons. I am not recommending it for you unless these reasons have meaning to you as well. Jumper‘s plot is simplistic by even high-concept standards, so I will provide it for you in a […]

Subtitle Your Fucking Movie —

Hi, filmmaker. I hope you found this weblog entry in the dark depths of your film production, when you’re desperately begging someone for the rights to some music, or when you’re stressing over whether to include that sequence with that really funny girl, even though you think it runs long. My advice: cut it and […]

My Five Movies —

While I registered the domain name in 2002, production in earnest of GET LAMP started in October of 2005. It is now February of 2008. Assume for fun that it will take into the summer to finish this, which is starting to look cheery and optimistic. This means it will have taken three years to […]

On the Occasion of 100 Simultaneous Connections —

I had a new record rather recently: someone decided to download through 100 simultaneous connections. I have to be clear that I don’t mean 100 files downloaded or they connected to me 100 times in some period of time; I mean that they maintained 100 separate connections to my server and had them going […]