ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Power of Reddit —

Someone on the site Reddit linked to a story where someone threatened a site legally for removing an image that he was hotlinking. Someone quickly wrote “THAT’s not hotlinking, THIS is hotlinking” and linked to the entry about hotlinking I wrote in the first days of 2007. Someone else was taken enough by this to […]

Caretaking Fun —

One of my buddies mailed me and said “Hey, you seem to have two files lifted from a Robert Anton Wilson book.” And I checked and did some searching and yes, that’s the case, somebody typed in a paragraph from a Robert Anton Wilson book and uploaded it to a BBS many years ago, with […]

Nice Try, Archiver-Hater —

I find it easier to generally just grab anything that catches my attention for more than a few seconds. Copy it, download it, PDF it, whatever makes the most sense, shove it into a directory with a description of it (if any) and then forget about it. It takes me 10 seconds, and I think […]

The King of Wrong: Final Words (Many of Them) —

Those who are not into reading long self-referential articles can content themselves with the short version of this article posted two days ago. If I’d known last week what I know now, I’d probably have not written a weblog entry about the documentary The King of Kong. And by weblog entry, I mean a vicious […]

Called on Account of Pain —

My entry scheduled for today has been postponed until hopefully tomorrow. I’ve not let on how unwell I’ve been lately, and I spent 20 of the last 25 hours asleep. I’m good at time management, but not THAT good; and those 5 hours weren’t awesome either.

The King of Wrong: Short Version —

For Sunday I will give you my full thoughts on King of Kong, the questions people asked of my initial posting, and a large variant of tangential subjects. It will be very long, even for me. It required me to waste a number of hours on this subject, followed by watching the stupid movie again, […]

Linkages —

It is a week before I show some footage at Shmoocon. It is entirely arbitrary that I am showing footage at Shmoocon; this limitation is self-imposed. But one thing I’ve learned of myself over the many years is that I work better with some sort of structure, even if I’m a complete slack layabout regarding […]

The Sad Compulsion of the Right Thing —

It’s kind of interesting what some people consider the Right Thing and how once you have the Right Thing in your mind, you feel almost dirty or dishonest turning away from it, even if this Right Thing is 100% optional. To wit: the wonder of Peter Hirschberg’s Luna City arcade has now broken wide and […]

The Adventure Library —

When I started work on GET LAMP, one of the things I did was start buying adventure game-related books by the truckload. Anytime I could find them for sale on used-book sites, I’d snag a copy. Now it’s a few years later and I have quite the collection: For easy reference, here’s the list as […]

The King of Wrong Runs Long —

The comments on my weblog entry yesterday got a little involved there, but rising out of it were the efforts of one zota, who is concerned I may have swallowed some facts presented with the same dollop of fudging and self-interest that I contend the filmmakers utilize. If you check the entry again and read […]