ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Bow Down Before the Files You Serve —

It’s been quite a watershed year for people putting their stuff where their mouths are, or at least where the mouths of “copyfighters” have been. A number of interesting events happened, but none so easily recognizable as the release of the new Nine Inch Nails album, Ghosts I-IV. It’s one thing when a band you […]

Don’t Interrupt, Jerk —

Waxy pointed his faithful readership to an interview with a fansubber. A fansubber in this context is someone who takes a film in a foreign language (“film” being “anime episode” and “foreign language” being “Japanese”). The interview asks all sorts of questions of the process, the ideas behind it, and of course the morality, since […]

Penguincon —

As a side note, I’ll be attending Penguincon as a panelist and presenter on the weekend of April 18th-20th, in Detroit (actually Troy) in Michigan. I’m talking about my film and holding forth on an interesting variety of other subjects as well. I’ll be making an effort to interact with a new range of folks […]

The Name of The Game —

So, there’s a book out there called The Game. This entry is not really about the content of the book as regards the direct subject. The direct subject, by the way, is about the world of Pickup Artists, guys who have crafted methods that border on sure-fire for charming and seducing women. Credit where credit […]

Possessed —

You can watch a documentary about a possibly fascinating subject that’s about 20 minutes long for free, right now. I simply cannot make it easier for you! The film is called “Possessed”. The webpage to see it is here and includes lots of contextual information, links, and references. It is about hoarding, the mental condition […]

Uninterrupted Power Play —

I was impressed by a cute little brainfuck that happened recently. There’s a device that’s been made that allows you to take over the power for a computer that’s plugged into the wall, such that you can unplug the machine and it’s still being powered. You can then move the machine around to anywhere, and […]

1000 Little Buddies —

Here’s the thing about Kevin Kelly. Kevin Kelly gets about 80 percent of whatever he’s talking about right. He makes too wide a jump, uses the wrong term, calls things important that aren’t, or vice versa. But 80 percent is pretty darn good and Kevin Kelly is therefore more useful than, say, a Pop-O-Matic. So […]

Stories —

Way back in college, I stayed in the relatively quiet dorm. No particular reason; it’s just the one I ended up in. I did not get to live in the party dorm. The party dorm wasn’t officially the “party dorm” like some colleges might have; it just happened to be built in a way that […]

Webtrap —

I’ve recently been able to figure out the phenomenon of a webtrap. There’s a site called, the adventures and experiences of a guy in Japan called Danny Choo. Danny’s a technical guy, a photographer, an otaku, a fan who wears costumes… and he’s also a great tour guide, giving you context to life in […]

What Are These Feelings? —

Sometimes I have strange feelings, very difficult to articulate. In the cases that I’m talking about, it’s how I get about narrative approaches to code. I am completely entranced by narrative approaches to code. If I find one of these examples while browsing, every single other thing in my life gets backburnered until I finish […]