ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Trixter’s Monotonous Triumph —

Trixter, that master of the truly old school IBM PC programming, has done it again. Already world-famous for his 8088 Corruption demo that put a type of full-motion video on an original IBM PC, has begun work on a music program. Big deal, your jaded mouth forms, but hear me out. He has made a […]

The Three Levels —

The longer I do stuff of a historical nature with computers, the more this puts me, ironically, in contact with people. And the more you end up in contact with people, the more you learn about people. The problem is, what if you don’t like what you learn? I had an absolutely horrible English class […]

The Tyranny of the Ratio —

Not every part of history is bright and cheerful, and some concepts which we think we’ve grown past are certainly still with us to the present day. In these cases, historical knowledge of the situation is even more disheartening than none at all. Nothing’s worse than knowing we’ve encountered a problem before, have dealt with […]

Awesome Trailer Review!! —

Yes, it’s real. Hi Jason, This looks well shot and edited. I can tell you really care for the people and their stories; it comes through in the way they address the camera. My only suggestion is that you might want to ease up on the dramatic piano and slow-motion. The tone you seem to […]

GET LAMP Trailer Out —

The next GET LAMP trailer is now out. To get to the page with all the various versions of this trailer, just go to this page. It’s not linked from the main page yet, but will be. Until then, feel special and exclusive. There’s a good set of variant renders of this trailer, but be […]

Confessions of a Staff Captain —

Some time ago, I mentioned I play Halo 3. I never played Halo or Halo 2, and I just happened to stumble into this thing, and I find it a relaxing side hobby, in between film renders and other stuff that makes me have to take a break for a while. I love logging in, […]

Blockparty: Your Source for Cocaine —

Great news, depending on your definition of great. As we head towards just a couple weeks before Blockparty, I’ve got the word we’ve got ourselves a brand new sponsor: Cocaine Energy Drink. We’re being sent hundreds of cans. If you want to try out some Cocaine, Blockparty @ Notacon will be your place to go. […]

Happy 18th, TinyTIM —

John Rescigno and I have no idea when the MUD/MUSH we started, TinyTIM, was actually “started”. We were certainly screwing around with the MUD program in late February and early March of 1990. We were both college sophmores (he at Clarkson University and I at Emerson College) and we were abusing an open account on […]

Why Hello There —

Uncle Kevin wrote another article recently that caught fire, mostly regarding a way of shifting value in an environment where digital duplication is the norm. Like his other article I mentioned, he doesn’t get all of it right but he throws into sharp focus for a percentage of the reading public some fundamental facts. I […]

My New Little Youtube Buddy, Format 18 —

So some time ago, over a year ago really, it was announced that YouTube, that paragon of unbelievably shitty video and instantaneous access, that delightful example of “if you can’t be best be first” and “people will suck down anything if it’s free and quick”, was going to start improving the quality of the video […]