Blockparty: Your Source for Cocaine —
Great news, depending on your definition of great.
As we head towards just a couple weeks before Blockparty, I’ve got the word we’ve got ourselves a brand new sponsor: Cocaine Energy Drink.
We’re being sent hundreds of cans. If you want to try out some Cocaine, Blockparty @ Notacon will be your place to go.

So, how do I reconcile this with my usual dislike of ads?
Mostly, the cocaine story is hilarious. A drink comes out that calls itself “Cocaine”. The Food and Drug Administration goes absolutely batshit. They move in and close the production of the drink down. The beverage company, instead of lying down, reads the shutdown notice, modifies the labeling, and comes out with Cocaine again.
Cocaine. It’s the pause that refreshes.
Anyway, I appreciate the help. Blockparty costs cash to put on, so why not help people enjoy more hours of it by pumping them full of energy drink? What can possibly go wrong?
If you are still on the fence about attending Blockparty, this is your time to make the right choice. Pre-registration is nearly closed. head over there and get your ticket.
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they trademarked Cocaine?!