ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Midphase’s New Goat Herders —

This letter came in, in response to this weblog entry. Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:00:06 -0500 From: Nick Nelson To: Subject: Maybe Midphase used to blow goats.. Hi Jason. First, name’s Nick Nelson, I’m part of the UK2 Group who recently (within the last 7 months) purchased, as well as the rest […]


I am on Facebook, that umpteenth generation networking site that has benefited from the bones and corpses of all the sites before it. I have been using it for some time, and like all of these contemporary creations, I am taken with the complexity of them, as well as what is annoying. Some very old […]

Temporarily Deleted —

Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:22:16 -0400 From: bobby bobby To: Subject: Certain textfile temporarily deleted. Hello jason, i would first like to say textfiles is a very useful and interesting website. I have used this specific article ( for a biology report, and to my unfortunate conclusion and past attempts, it is susceptible […]

Talk Corrections, Weekend Connections —

Two corrections to an entry I did a little while ago about talks I gave this year. The first is that I forgot to mention Shmoocon, which I also attended and gave a talk at. An ironic thing, considering I recently added all the talks from the 2008 Shmoocon to my collection. The talk was […]

Things My Users Have Taught Me —

By users, of course, I mean the many fine millions who have browsed TEXTFILES.COM and its sites over the years. It can be really frustrating that the bandwidth seems so slow, so you better open 30-60 simultaneous connections via your Internet2-ready connection in Europe and get all the files at once before it slows […]

Yes. —

The problem with filmmaking is that everyone has advice but a lot of advice is specific to that filmmaker. Sometimes people have general ideas that are probably of use to a set of folks, like how to do cheap-ass dolly shots or cheap-ass lightsaber effects. But other times, the big questions like “how do you […]

On the Onset of Another Video —

I began some work on another music video this weekend. Have no fear, nothing’s being pushed aside; I just finished all my interviews from my London trip in December 2006 and am now going through the interviews from my very successful West Coast jaunt this past November. I’m currently pulling brilliance out of a pile […]

Engagements —

I am speaking at DEFCON this year. It’ll be about text adventures, my documentary, and hopefully some example footage from the new film. That’s in August. No idea what day within that, and more than once the day/time’s been changed in the program, then changed once more. So not much details other than it’ll be […]

Escaping The Escapist —

Recently, Escapist Magazine won one of those most chummy of awards, the Webby. I can’t pretend to know the exact manner and approach the “Webbys” take to choosing the winner of each set of candidates, but no doubt votes and cries from the web-browsing public are somewhat involved. I will contend that the reason for […]

How It Goes —

It goes like this. Outside of my health, I have to maintain items in three realms: data, physical, and mental. In the realm of data, that’s things like e-mail, files, disk drives, sets, and the arrangement of these therein. I might have an inbox that makes your eyes water or a pair of terabyte hard […]