ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Vroom Meow —

Meet busy Jason. Busy Jason is getting a lot done but it’s not reflected in weblog entries. I have shot through 5 interviews in one week (unheard of for this production) and cut them up into usable pieces. I have begun assembling props and materials for second-unit shooting. I have also uploaded another 15 or […]

Poof You’re Gone —

On February 7th, a kind person mailed in to let me know that there was a text adventure author I should interview. He only did one work, but it was a good work, and he was a generally good author, so I should do my best to include him if I could. I tried to […]

Film Guy —

A little self-discovery’s been nagging away at me for a while. I thought I’d share. I don’t think I’m a film guy. I should have figured this out when I went to film school in the 1990-era realm. In fact, I sort of did; while at the college, I was on the newspaper, AM station, […]

Errors of Inclusion —

Sometimes it’s easy to think that if a project or production is missing something, it’s because the creators totally forgot about it, are in some way mentally damaged and didn’t know about it, or otherwise screwed up. In fact, the amount of effort that goes on behind the scenes to make something usually means that […]

Nobody Knows You —

There was this chat I had a few years back. It was a very memorable chat, because I still remember a sizable chunk of it and I still live off advice from that chat. It was with Jack Rickard, founder and editor of Boardwatch magazine, who had since retired with many millions from the sale […]

The Art of Noise —

This entry is somewhat self-indulgent and much more of a multi-media youtube link fest than I normally would find myself doing, but the opportunity to talk about something important to me and my personal influences is just a tad too great, and after all, in today’s copyright-violating internet goulash, it’s just so simple to dip […]

Hacker Photos, 1990-1993 —

While adding a bunch of CD-ROM images to the site, I found one of them, “Forbidden Subjects 3”, contained a nice selection of “Hacker GIFs”, otherwise known as “Photos”. These all date to the 1990-1993 period and appear to be primarily from ATDT, a hacker BBS in Massachusetts that was one of the inspirations […]

The Boutique Website —

What a marketer, sales weasel, or heavily persuasive speaker seeks to do when they seemingly coin a word or phrase out of the air is own it. Ideally, this word or phrase might be a term already in use (but not quite universal), so they can manipulate the conversation into a direction where they dictate […]

Cascade —

A bunch of stuff got moved ahead over the weekend. The office from which I do most of my stuff, received an (announced) visit by none other than Koz of rsync, an old buddy. He’d not seen the new office, so I wanted to make a good impression and used this as an excuse to […]

Wherein June 19th Gives You Tidings —

Greetings and hello. As you’ve no doubt recognized, with these summer months have come a slowdown of weblog entries. While I had time, scant time, to write some helpful and/or entertaining entries on a daily or near-daily basis, I really am just too busy to do that right now, and I absolutely refuse to fall […]