ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Last Health Update for a While —

Surely, these health updates of mine are getting old and tired. Like me. I should put a “is dead/not yet dead” status message somewhere and leave it at that. I don’t have the will to add a current health status/statistic “widget” thing, either. Widgets, by the way, are a classic textbook example of someone not […]

Before the LOL Now Available —

Apparently the full content of my talk I gave at ROFLcon, “Before the LOL”, has become available. The collection of files provides a raw recording of my presentation. Here’s a clickable jukebox that provides: I suppose I could fill this entry with all sorts of additional commentary about what I was going for or […]

The Divided States —

For today’s prize, you get a free rough idea for a role-playing/strategy game. It comes with many bonuses, including the requirement to research if it hasn’t already been done, the process of implementing a ruleset that’s functional, and the years of refinement and marketing. It’s foolproof! Some time ago, and by some time ago I […]

The Power Spot —

A lot of interesting subjects or exploratory pathways reveal themselves in my projects or research, but not all can be handled at the time. Most certainly can’t be explored to a great depth when they’re more about contemporary social commentary; life certainly has enough of that piling up. But during one interview back half a […]

Dramatic Pause —

I met Jason at a top floor of the Caesar’s Palace shopping center in Las Vegas. We’d hung out the rest of the weekend in Vegas, but we snuck in another nice meal at a restaurant he thought was great. It was great. We chatted and had some really great food and even some great […]

Death Packet! —

One of my favorite mail-based items arrived today in my post office box: a death packet! “Death Packet” is my little nickname for one of my BBS Documentary packages that heads out to a foreign land (in this case, the United Kingdom) and then makes its way through a variety of customs agents and mail […]

The Penalty Box —

I’ve been sick on and off for about a week. I don’t get sick often but when I do I take forever to get well again. It is never enjoyable to get sick, of course, but I have this additional feeling of missing out. Missing out from projects to work on, missing out on events […]

Deep in Editing —

With editing GET LAMP something like 4-5 hours a day, every day, my time for updating this weblog is getting scant, and random. I might add a helpful and thoughtful entry every day, and then nothing, nada for a while. I suggest you utilize the RSS feed if you aren’t already. I have no real […]

The Fun Drive? Oh, Wait —

I’ve been debating whether to celebrate 10 years of by having a fund drive. I figure I’d change the opening page (which would only show up on the main site, not the mirrors), with a quick “hey, throw me some bucks if you’ve had a good time” message, and have my paypal there (and […]

Blockparty: The Competitions and Awards —

Because he is incredible, and he truly IS incredible, Jim Leonard has taken the hours of raw footage of the competitions and awards of Blockparty and rendered them out into a coherent collection of events and browse-worthy movies. Here’s the central page for all of this. You can even watch songs being played, while the […]