ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category

Statement on Sockington Selling Out —

I’ve mentioned it a few times in this weblog, and obviously other people have made the connection over time, but I’m the guy who does stuff with Sockington, the most popular cat on Twitter. His little daily concerns with tuna, windows, toys, and more tuna have been a part of my life for a couple […]

The Sabbatical Fund Continues —

Can I just say how blown away I am? Within two days, I’m already at 19% of the goal for this fundraiser I discussed. Two days! People have been sending me kind words about this plan, and really coming out of the woodwork for me. I am pleased and humbled. Energized isn’t the word for […]

GeoStupid —

You’re stupid and I hate you. I haven’t even met you, don’t even know where you are or what else you do, and I hate you. It’s 7 in the morning. I’ve been doing a lot of not sleeping lately. I’ve been doing a lot of not sleeping for months. I’ve been working on backing […]

Please Help Me Fund a Sabbatical —

All my favorite are the ideas that terrify me. Sometimes the terrifying idea is understandably terrifying – other times it’s just so many different ways of thinking about stuff that I’m lost in the possibilities. I think this is the second one. Basically, I’m reaching out to my fanbase and saying “Please help me work […]

The Atomic Level of Porn —

The presentation I gave at Arse Elektronika 2009, entitled “The Atomic Level of Porn”, has been edited and uploaded by the very talented Eddie Codel, who utilized slides I sent him with a well-mic’d, well-constructed set of footage to make a superior audio-visual product. The talk is mostly an attempt to show the various ways […]

Wait, How Many Pounds? —

I got mail from someone who saw I took in all those other magazines and books. “Hey, we’re getting rid of a bunch of magazines and books. Do you want them?” “Sure,” I said, “I’ll take it. Without question. I’ll pay for postage.” “Great.” So a little while and hundreds of dollars in postage later, […]

Oh Boy, The Cloud —

I got a mail today, and I figured I’d answer it here. The letter’s stripped down to protect the not-asking-to-be-punched-in-the-face. I stumbled across your name via the “F*** the Cloud” article.  Then I read your bio / story.  As busy as I am today I had a hard time stopping.  Compelling work, sir. As for […]

A Most Delightful Culture Clash —

I had a couple trips saved up on the to-do pile, paid for and so on, when I was laid off.  So for a while now, I’ve gotten to still enjoy the vestiges of my previous lifestyle laying before an austere future. The last of these paid-for events was this past weekend, attending and speaking […]

Cog, or the Resume —

The short form of this weblog entry is that I am looking for employment, and would like the job to be one that is happy to hire me.  If you are a concern or entity that might consider hiring me, please mail me and I’ll send along my resume to you. Questions or simple non-committal […]

What TV is Like —

Your limo is waiting for you at 7:15 in the morning. After a 45 minute drive, the french-canadian limo driver will then take you to the lobby of the TV station, which is near nothing. The lobby will look like this: The historian in you, which nobody cares about today, is pleased that a TV […]