ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category

WizzyWIG Volume 3 is Coming: Volume 1 and 2 for Free —

I already wrote reviews of WizzyWIG Volume 1 and WizzyWIG Volume 2, Ed Piskor’s fun stew of hacking and phreaking history put out in a graphic novel format.  If you didn’t read them or don’t remember the gist of them, it was archivist/historian guy really liked these things, and that opinion hasn’t changed on subsequent […]

Pistol Pete —

Pete Chiola died on November 9th. If you were lucky, you knew him. If you weren’t lucky, let me make you a little more lucky. Depending on the nature of a divorce and the circumstances afterwards, and the age of any children and a whole bunch of factors, the addition of new strangers into your […]

Speaking at Shmoocon 2010: ARCHIVE TEAM! —

I have had a talk accepted for Shmoocon 2010, held in Washington DC on February 5-7. The topic, I’m happy to say, will be Archive Team, that little project I got wrapped into earlier this year. This was a talk I had proposed for CCC 26, but their absolutely terrible paper submission site gave me […]

Kickstartup —

This is an entry about how that image happened, what was involved in it, some thoughts about it, and a general announcement or two related to it. In September, my company I’d worked for for between 9-13 years (depending on how count) laid me off. It was done in a perfunctory fashion by a personality-lacking […]

The TEXTFILES.COM Information Cube 1.0 —

This Friday, I was at my brother’s compound helping oversee the installation of a secret project, now revealed: The Information Cube. That’s my little brother and the driver, discussing the best way to offload this monster onto the property. At 40 feet by 8 feet by 8 feet, this is a storage container which has […]

Scottathon II —

I’m going to wrap up the fundraiser during the day tomorrow, at 2pm EST, on Called “Scottacon II: The Thankening”, it’ll be two hours of fun in a to-be-announced filming location. You’ll be able to see it at this location. I’ll be elaborating on what this all means during tomorrow’s event, and of course […]


Welcome, one and all, to ASK THE GUY MIRRORING GEOCITIES, where you get to ask and get answers from the freaky guy who has been mirroring geocities with a lot of other people! Let’s get started! Q: So how is all that going, anyway? You did stuff and then you disappeared when it got good. […]

Life in the Miasma of Fundraising —

A little over two weeks ago, I decided to use Kickstarter to fund a relatively radical idea – stand back after ten years, stop doing the crushing day job I had that was way too much health-endangering and painful, and focus on the things I truly loved, things I knew people had benefited from over […]

Scottathon! —

As the fundraiser continues, things have been going spectacularly well – I’m very nearly at the halfway mark. Things have slowed down, of course, since the word is out and people who would send cash towards such an endeavor have done so, and there we go. So naturally the concern is halfway is where we’re […]