ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘’ Category

The JSMESS Sound Emergency —

UPDATE: I’m happy to say a developer has come forward and we’re out of the woods on sound. It’s not perfect, but the web audio API isn’t perfect and we’re much better armed for interacting with it now. Thanks, everyone. Spread this one far and wide. It’s rare I get anything close to desperate, but […]

CD.TEXTFILES.COM Needs Mirrors —

OK, so CD.TEXTFILES.COM is such a wild, insane success that I’m starting to think I need mirrors. Right now, the data’s only in two locations, and I don’t like that. I’m going to make it three, shortly. With over 350gb of data in over 3.3 million files, it’s a lot of data. But what data! […]

Still Never Shutting Up —

Been rather busy for the past year, here and there, with all sorts of appearances, presentations, call-ins and the sort of public speaking I’ve always enjoyed doing. And the movie, obviously. But I just took a little time just now and backfilled a good amount of talks I gave recently into the Presentations Page on […]

DistriWiki: A Proposal —

People, it’s time. Actually, it was time probably 5 years ago, but better late than never. If you believe Clay Shirky, we can just keep burning energy nearly forever in terms of collaboration energy, but let us not waste too much more than we have, can we? It’s like how bananas used to taste different […]

Digital: A Love Story —

It’s nice to be reminded of how many people are looking out for me and my interests.  A few weeks ago, while travelling, I got mails, instant messages, and pages that there was some sort of “BBS Game” out there, and that it thanked me, and that it was based on calling into BBSes. I […]

Solving the Town Problem —

The BBS List project, which has a long and storied history for me and helped inspire what eventually came the BBS Documentary, has grown quite well over the years.  From its initial slashdotting, it’s become incredibly popular, with additional listings added by the day. (Over 105,000 BBSes and counting). Something had always driven me nuts, […]

3 Million Files on CD.TEXTFILES.COM —

Yes, that’s right, it’s official: After hitting the one million file mark in December of 2005 and passing the two million mark a few years later, we’re now at over 3,000,000 files on, my shareware and shovelware collection. I’ve ranted about this thing consistently for years – it’s one of my favorite projects. For […]

Kickstartup —

This is an entry about how that image happened, what was involved in it, some thoughts about it, and a general announcement or two related to it. In September, my company I’d worked for for between 9-13 years (depending on how count) laid me off. It was done in a perfunctory fashion by a personality-lacking […]

The TEXTFILES.COM Information Cube 1.0 —

This Friday, I was at my brother’s compound helping oversee the installation of a secret project, now revealed: The Information Cube. That’s my little brother and the driver, discussing the best way to offload this monster onto the property. At 40 feet by 8 feet by 8 feet, this is a storage container which has […]

Scottathon II —

I’m going to wrap up the fundraiser during the day tomorrow, at 2pm EST, on Called “Scottacon II: The Thankening”, it’ll be two hours of fun in a to-be-announced filming location. You’ll be able to see it at this location. I’ll be elaborating on what this all means during tomorrow’s event, and of course […]