ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A Comic Moment —

Travel this holiday sent me between Massachusetts and New York State. In doing so, as is often the case, I end up at a diner somewhere along Interstate 84. I like diners and while they’ve done their part to cause a lot of the weight hardship of my various years (I love tuna melts), the […]

A Warning of Upheaval —

Well, it only took me about a week of using my other weblog under WordPress’ environment to wonder what the hell I’m doing still under movable type. I mean, seriously. So yeah, expect this weblog to end up under that environment, be better handled, faster, have more flexibility, and all that. The only big deal […]

The Wall —

Most people who visit me for the first time walk into my office where I do most of my work for the websites and projects and they stop dead because they are confronted with The Wall. The Wall is this collection of racks that take up a full side of my office. Where most people […]

Information Superhighway —

If you live in the Boston area and have this burning desire to hang out with me, I’m at a meet-and-greet what’s-up-dilly-o event on the weekend: Infomation Superhighway Two. Saturday November 29, 2008 at 8:00pm Berkman Squared 50 Church Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Category: Social Harvard Free Culture, ROFLCon, and Public Radio Exchange Proudly Present… […]

Wizzywig #2: Hacker —

The second in a planned four volume comic series called Wizzywig has arrived. I reviewed the first volume in the series back in January, and I gave it good marks. I see no reason, looking back, to change my opinion. The positives of the first volume remain in the second one. This is a fun […]

Bring on the Pain #3: OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE —

Hooray, Bring on the Pain is now a series. I originally gave a list of places I was writing to or looking into or otherwise interacting with to do the next generation of BBS Documentary availability. Preferably digital distribution, which I count cable/satellite in as well as radio (?) or anything else where I, personally, […]

Inventory —

The problem with the GET LAMP web presence is that it’s sort of full of stuff and then not. I just recently got a spate of is this still on? is this still happening? e-mails and I decided that it was time to put a weblog dedicated to it up so that I could update […]

Bring on the Pain #2: The DRM in Conundrum —

So another commenter asked me about what I would do about DRM associated with digital distribution, considering my pretty strong beliefs on it. Well, it gets complicated and weird, but I hope I can justify myself or at least make sense. The comment asks me if I’m talking about distributing through PBS or did I […]

Bring on the Pain #1: Vuze —

It was suggested in the comments of my digital distribution announcement that I consider something called Vuze. Here’s the Vuze website, wherein you will need to download the Vuze client. I decided to go in cold and try it out. While playing with this, I suddenly noticed a couple things about this site: they used […]