ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Why Tech Documentaries are Impossible —

Back in 2005, I gave a talk at DEFCON called “Why Tech Documentaries are Impossible (and why we have to do them anyway)”, which was about the documentary format, the lessons learned from the production of “BBS: The Documentary”. This was held on Sunday, which is just about the worst time for my voice on […]

Instant —

This entry was posted on September 27th. My job was simple: replace a couple USB hard drives on a server. The hard drives were sitting on top of the server. The server was high up in a cabinet. The cabinet had ventilation, in the form of a fan on the top of the cabinet plugged […]

Going Going Gone —

This entry was logged on September 26th. Many schoolteachers were poison to me, enough that at one point early in my academic career, a principal sat down with my parents and explained, in alll seriousness, that it would be best if I was transferred to another school, specifically a private one, to prevent my actions […]

A Great Gift —

This entry logged on September 26th. One of the greatest things to come out of my documentaries are friendships. I’ve interviewed hundreds of people. Some I would see randomly, in the middle of events. (This was what I’d try to do to prevent easy biases, which sort of worked.) And others I would make arrangements […]

Frontaclues(tm) —

The Frontaclues are provided to assist you with further enjoyment of the It Is Pitch Dark video. Have you found: The KOZMO.COM dropbox? The copy of the BBS Documentary? The 8″ Floppy version of Planetfall? The two Apple Lisas? The original artwork of Planetfall? The Wico Joystick? The cow-colored Macintosh SE? A copy of “Masterpieces […]

Mail Call —

I get interesting packages in the mail. These were all in separate auctions from one seller. I bought out most of his inventory. All are likely to go up on Some are probably pretty rare, others much less so. They range from shareware compilations to really crappy “game” compilations of demo/shareware versions of commercial […]


Gold fell into my filmmaking lap today. Pure, refined gold. I recently put a teaser trailer to the GET LAMP/Text Adventure Documentary up on the site and uploaded it to youtube. Checking the referrer logs and a couple other sources, I discovered there was another location to view a copy of the trailer, and that […]

My Approaching Delightful CD Crisis —

Archivists don’t always talk about it, but you have to do refreshes occasionally if you really want your stuff to survive. Pawing through piles, blowing off dust, scrubbing down computers. It doesn’t matter how nice your facility is but you have to do these things. And my facility (my house) ain’t so nice. I’ve been […]