ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Meretzky 1994 —

I doubt this has seen the light of day for 13 years. While doing compilation and collection of media for GET LAMP I found a 1994 CD-ROM insert for a magazine that contained audio/graphical reviews of various contemporary computer games, as well as a preview for a number of other games, including the never-finished “Planetfall […]

Toy —

I have a friend. He’s not a close friend; we don’t talk on the phone, and we don’t live in the same area, but in a room of people I don’t know well I’d be very likely to walk over to him and start talking. Online life breeds a lot of friendships like this, and […]

Health Update —

…because it’s no good for the projects I’m working on if I die! Simply put, my muscle mass has increased significantly this year, and so my weight, that is, the basic number, has risen. If I went by the number alone, I’d look pretty bad, but my body mass index is going more towards the […]

The Last Starfighter Musical Returns! —

Oh, how very lucky you are, my friends. A mere three years ago I posted a review of the musical version of The Last Starfighter, an unexpectedly touching and well-arranged stage production of the 1984 film about an arcade game turning out to be an alien recruitment tool. I gushed in buckets about how I […]

You are Likely to be Bootlegged —

So, I had the opportunity to go to PAX, the Penny Arcade Expo, in Seattle. I had a great time, enjoyed the combination old-E3 room and the levels of pure gaming going on, and so on. The concerts were good, I met Wil Wheaton, and got to play a bunch of upcoming games. All in […]

The Edge of Forever —

Roy of SAC posted a copy of the video recording of my talk at DEFCON, “The Edge of Forever: Saving Computer History”. This was kind of a Hail Mary pass to get into DEFCON; a general nebulous subject, a short explanation of what I was going to do, and graciously, DEFCON’s organizers accepted the speech. […]

Greetings Internet Warrior: To Mirror the Past —

The leaves turn color The forums await your skill To prevail is all As we wind down our time together, Internet Warrior, I will show you one last technique. It is insidious, a rampant virus that can pull down not just a thread but all further discussion on that sub-board. It is to be handled […]

Greetings Internet Warrior: Blur in Clear Sight —

We have come so far in so short a time, Internet Warrior. Your deft appraisal of our lessons and the skill which you have shown in using them brings to mind the memory of xxMartin56xx, who could drag a conversation regarding beekeeping into a forum-destroying political meltdown. Perhaps you too will be spoken of in […]

Greetings, Internet Warrior: The Tangential Sweep —

We rise again with the passage of the sun and toil upon our lessons until the moon shines brightly. We are Internet Warriors and no fight shall be too great to triumph and prevail. Through Words, Dominance. Your lesson today concerns an easily misunderstood technique, Internet Warrior. When you wish to guide the conversation away […]