ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Catch-Up —

This week is catch-up week, trying desperately to get a bunch of stuff done that isn’t documentary related as well as doing my day job. I can put some things off for months, and it’s good to set a little time aside to make the calls, ship out the packages and envelopes, and generally be […]

Superchickens —

So there’s some stories I like to tell. OK, fine, there’s a lot of stories to tell. Like, I’d never run out, and if I had to fill 3 hours of talking in a conference or on a podcast or some other forum, I could just sit there and spin them out indefinitely. Most of […]

The Bridge —

The bridge is simply astounding. I first heard about this documentary about a year ago, in bare terms which you might be first hearing too: a film guy named Eric Steel traveled to San Francisco, got a permit to film the Golden Gate Bridge for a year, and proceeded to do so. What he didn’t […]

On the Other Side —

I am positive I used to be a better game player. I was very good, I think. I was certainly pretty good at video games that required me to learn a few basic rules and then apply myself towards a bunch of simple sprites who worked in a fairly predictable manner. My control was a […]

HV20 Test Footage —

I bought a Canon HV20 a little while ago. This is basically a handheld high-definition camera that costs $1000, with accessories. It shoots in HDV, which is a lower-bandwidth high def format that can fit on the old MiniDV tapes instead of the P2 cards I currently shoot with. Am I moving to a new […]

Argh —

Some time ago, I wanted to license some music. I had plans for that music. As luck would have it, the artist had heard of what I was doing in terms of a project, and he was excited, and wanted me to use his music too. He’d written it five years previously, for a band […]

Crossing Lines —

Only your buddies know exactly how to send you veering off the rails into completely well-tread, insane arguments that can last for hours or days if you let them. That’s why they’re your buddies. If they were your enemies, you’d be screwed. One good discussion that just pokes my emotional hornet’s nest with a stick […]

IFcomp —

As I work on the GET LAMP documentary, one of the things that keeps coming up is that Interactive Fiction/Text Adventures are a moving target. Even though to some people the subject might be closed and gone, trapped in historical amber, this just isn’t the case. There’s scattered groups of people composing, working on, and […]

Andgor —

There’s nothing like a good lesson. Well, except an expensive lesson. Or a lesson that can still make you go “oh yeah, that lesson” a full five years later. My lesson is Andgor. Ah yes, I was just a mere sprite those many years ago when I read on Slashdot a story about a concept […]

On the Occasion of Using the Xbox 360 —

I’ve had an XBOX 360 for about 3-4 months now. Here’s some sketched thoughts on it. It is very pretty, and its games can, if they try, be very pretty. Sound-wise, it is like parking a Tie-Fighter in my living room. Like a lot of other people, mine was built poorly. It died, not with […]