ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Render Junkie —

A long time ago, I was a render junkie. I got better. Like a lot of people, my real introduction to Raytracing as a concept came in the form of the Amiga Juggler, a had-to-be-impossible animation created by Eric Graham that was doing some sort of amazing trickery with graphics and reflections that were well […]

Not a Frame —

I didn’t record a frame of film. It was a roaring success. I mention this because the whole reason I work the way I do on my films is to specifically avoid the kind of disposable relationships and interaction with others that plague a lot of professional productions. I maintain the goal of having nobody […]

To PhreakNIC —

I head to PhreakNIC Thursday morning, flying down and sticking around until Monday morning, then back home. After this, it’s off to Atlanta for a weekend, then the west coast for two weeks, and likely Kentucky, as well as Chicago. Yes, this is almost all to do with my little film. I put off the […]

Love in the Time of Two Terabytes —

I purchased two terabytes of disk space yesterday, as one might buy a loaf of bread or a magazine off a rack. For roughly $500, I had two boxes, each containing a disk drive with 1 terabyte of raw space. This translated to roughly 960 gigabytes of disk space when I formatted them into my […]

Thank you so much, Jimmy —

I’ve been very good, haven’t I? It’s been months since I mentioned Wikipedia on here in any amount. That’s on purpose. It gets old. I sound one-note. I’d rather be known for doing stuff than bitching about how others do stuff. But I did want to say something, because sometimes I’m driving and I grip […]

Aperture —

I walk a fine line here. Let’s see how well I do. The fine line is to accolade without spoiling. I hate spoiling, especially when so much about the greatness of something depends on you not knowing much. Knowing more and more about how something comes out pulls you a few paces away from your […]

A Plea for Compuserve Forums —

This entry does not expire. If you find it months or years onward, it is still valid. I’ve had a request for some Compuserve forums and messages, and the fact is, I just don’t have that much. When I was on Compuserve around the 1983 period through a stolen account, I downloaded megabytes of text […]

The Eventual Big Day —

I’ve given some small amount of thought (really, quite small), to where GET LAMP will premiere. BBS Documentary was first shown in rough cut at the Vintage Computer Festival but I won’t have this thing in time for this year and next year will be too late. Right now, GET LAMP is 600 clips totaling […]

Last Century —

This past May, I found out about a horrible article about “philes” in the Fall 2006 issue of 2600. I wrote a weblog entry about this article, which was entitled “Where Have All the Philes Gone?” The upshot of my entry was that the original article wasn’t very good or accurate, and it was a […]

Catch-Up —

This week is catch-up week, trying desperately to get a bunch of stuff done that isn’t documentary related as well as doing my day job. I can put some things off for months, and it’s good to set a little time aside to make the calls, ship out the packages and envelopes, and generally be […]