ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The King of Wrong —

Ever since I made the fatal mistake of announcing I was working on an Arcade Documentary way before it made sense to, I’ve gotten a nice healthy bushel of mail from people. I appreciate a lot of it because people are stepping up and giving me contact addresses, ideas, and all the great stuff I […]


I really do like Hentai Games. I will now spend umpteen paragraphs qualifying that statement. When you say “Hentai Games” at this point you’re actually referring to way too huge a genre, like if you said “Action Games” instead of “First Person Shooters”, “Platformers”, “Shoot-’em-Ups”, and so on. So to be more specific, I’m a […]

Maximalized Pandas —

I recently got a phone call from Vistaprint. I use Vistaprint for my business cards and other occasional printing jobs, mostly because they have an excellent web interface for uploading art, previewing it, and indicating what features you want in your printed works. I don’t have to deal with a person, and the prices are […]

The Syslink Manual —

Here’s a letter sent to me recently: I’ve been a big fan of for a while now, and I loved your BBS documentary; I am looking forward to seeing GET LAMP and ARCADE when you are finished with them, I know that they’re both going to be great. I started calling BBSs in the […]

Conspiracy’s a Special Word —

I got a nice letter in the mail today. Hi, I may be contacting the wrong person, but were you involved in the production of a short called “Conspiracy Rock” about the JFK assassination? I loved that and have been looking for a copy of it for years. Are copies available? What’s touching about this […]

The Strip-Miners —

There’s this slightly ugly trend that’s been going on in documentary filmmaking for a while. I’m sure it has some roots going many years back, but it’s come into my radar and I’m not sure how well it’s been covered or mentioned, so I figured I might as well pipe up. Succinctly: For years, promoters […]

Shmoocon —

I’ll be attending Shmoocon next month, the weekend of the 16th of February. This will be of interest to some people because my presentation will include actual GET LAMP edited footage. The schedule’s over here, and there I am at 3pm on Saturday. The conference is basically sold out, so unless you have a ticket […]

Geek Entertainment —

The ANSI Art show I attended earlier this month got a little video coverage, courtesy of Geek Entertainment, a “web-broadcast” television show that purports to cover some sort of general geek-relevant topics, which the site lists as “web 2.0, tagging, AJAX, social software and the bubble juice known as VCs”. All well and good. The […]

Zero Stars —

I have a soft spot in my heart, maybe even a warm and loving relationship, with speed runs. Speed runs, in this case, refers to a genre of video game recordings wherein people play through a game as fast as they possibly can. The gold standard for me is “Quake Done Quick (With a Vengeance)” […]

Blockparty Speakers List Finalized —

We’ve finished assembling the speaker’s list for Blockparty 2008, the second Blockparty. Here’s the list, as it appears on the site. The Fat Man: Art Behind Enemy Lines: A Target-Rich Environment In the first five minutes of his talk, Fat will define Art once and for all, especially in context of high technology creation and […]