ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Most Popular Thing Ever —

Oh, there’s been some great hits in my webserving past. The word gets out, and thousands of people start visiting a specific URL or location on one of my sites. This has included the “Freedom, Justice and a Disturbingly Gaping Ass” weblog entry on this site (78,000 visitors in a single day) and Koalas are […]

On the Outset of Editing —

Editing in earnest began on the GET LAMP project over the weekend. There’s still a tiny set of interviews left to do, as well as a continually open door to a couple of people who said no to change their minds. But with roughly 80 interviews done, totaling 100 hours, I think we can make […]

My Best Bosses: Pat —

While not required to jump on his sword like my boss Brian, Patrick O’Malley was definitely up there, a close second to Brian in all he did for me. By the time Brian hired me, he did so when I was 29, a veteran of hosting computers and UNIX and a bunch of other technical […]

My Best Bosses: Brian —

I was lucky enough to have a little dinner with old co-employees last night, and it reminded me to put my thoughts down about a few of my best bosses. I’m going to start with Brian, because his actions are particularly memorable. Here’s what Brian looks like nowadays. He used to have no goatee but […]

Post-California —

This is post-California trip, but I’m kind of still in California, so maybe I should say that statements made within this entry are forward-looking and are not meant to be predictions or assurances of future Jason locations. This weekend was all about the ANSI Gallery showing on Saturday the 12th, and to that level it […]

My Delicious Slaves —

One of the constant refrains of past consideration of what great things computers will do for us is the “smart agent”, a mythical delightful artificial intelligence that will cater to our every whim. In fact, this is the central thesis of Hyperland, one of those surreal film projects where you no longer have to wonder […]


As an example of where my new weblogging schedule comes into play, I’ll be away in California all this weekend. That’s time I can’t spend writing entries, but time doing stuff. So let me dump out a variety of related topics. The reason I’ve jaunted out to the West Coast is to be at the […]

The Long Hosting Goodbye —

A big step happened for me today; I moved a domain I considered “mine” to a hosting service. The service is Dreamhost and the site is It’s now hosted elsewhere, as is the mail, and all of the “stuff” is being handled by Dreamhost. When you go to the site, in other words, nothing […]

Invitation to Blockparty 2008 —

The Blockparty 2008 invitation is now out. You can pick it up at the Blockparty 2008 page. Summary of the invitation: go here and pre-register for Blockparty and Notacon (one ticket). The rest of this message repeats this more elaborately. I spent some time before last year’s Blockparty (the demo party I co-organize) explaining exactly […]

Review: Wizzywig —

One of my buddies Kizzle threw me an e-mail in which he said “Phreaking Comic Book” and a URL to a discussion on the Binary Revolutions Forum about said book. Naturally, I was interested – Kizzle knows me well. In point of fact, the discussion on the forum was started by the comic book’s creator, […]