ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category

The Secret Inaction of a Cancelled Documentary —

Privately, I’d been working on another documentary. Yes, I know I’m working on three, and yes, they are very time consuming, but when a subject inhabits your brain, won’t let go, you have to let it run wild for a while. The subject was Action Park, an amusement part in New Jersey that had one […]

Not for Hire: One Conference Documentary Director —

  Now that I’ve finished the DEFCON Documentary and the views are skyrocketing, I’ll mention that a few people approached me in the previous months about maybe, possibly…. would I do something similar for their conference? No. The DEFCON Documentary was a pretty unique situation, what with my very long history with DEFCON, the upfront […]

It Stinks! —

Since we’re now going to be deep in “everyone is watching my movie” season, I thought I’d mention some of the fun unique aspects of having something out there for everyone. Here’s the first review on IMDB: This documentary is simply bad. It exclusively focuses on the “geek”. Yes, these people are pleased to know […]

DEFCON: The Documentary —

On August 1st in Las Vegas, the premiere of DEFCON: The Documentary took place on the first day of DEFCON 21. Audience attendance was about 1000. Mood was high. There was free beer and the sound system could explode a Volkswagen. My dad flew in from New York to attend. It was a good time. […]

Catch Up Month —

August will be catch-up month. The last time we saw a drought of postings on this site, it was for the same reason it has happened now: a terminal case of Getting Shit Done. The point of these entries is to reflect, to entreat, and to call to arms when arms are needed. Their priority […]

International Shipping Ends —

I’m no longer going to take international orders. This is not a light decision. International orders are half my sales. But I have to do it. So, here’s what’s been happening on the back end for a while: people order one of my documentaries, GET LAMP or the BBS Documentary. About once a week, when […]

Change Computer History Forever: Well, Here We Are —

When Brewster hired me in 2011, he had the foresight to recognize I’d spread in many directions once I was under the auspiciousness of the Internet Archive, but he definitely had one overarching goal with my employment. Paraphrasing, it was this: the Archive had done very well with books, music, visual items, and of course […]

Here is How Not to Do It —

Here is how not to treat your customers, especially ones that think you’re doing a great project and support you at a time before you’ve proven yourself. In February of 2012 (be sure you read that correctly, 2012), I attended a screening of Linotype: The Film at the Typekit offices (now fully owned by Adobe). We were […]

An Open Letter to TOSEC —

From my posting on the TOSEC development forum: Hello, everyone. My name is Jason Scott, and my position is “free-range Archivist” at the Internet Archive ( I’m here as a private individual, and not as a spokesman for the Archive in any way. I’ve been working there for about two years and have used them […]