ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category

An End to my Broadcast Day —

Somewhere earlier this year I noticed I wasn’t watching much television. Between editing my documentary and writing weblog entries and job and archiving and all the rest, the amount of time I’d want to spend watching television was reduced greatly, and mostly supplanted with video games. A quick desktop game or a consistent thrashing about […]

I’ll be Over Here, Thanks —

Here’s a scenario I find myself halfway through on a weekly basis. Someone writes something stupid in their weblog. Specifically, someone writes something stupid that I think I have a more informed opinion on, or which causes me to want to point out the person has said something stupid, or which, in their usual hailstorm […]

Wallflowers Video Now Available —

The video I shot for MC Frontalot, “Wallflowers”, became available. Here’s the official YouTube version ( I suggest clicking this link to see it): And here’s a Hi-Def Vimeo Version: MC Frontalot: “Wallflowers” from Jason Scott on Vimeo I already said a bit about the production of this video. Frontalot is running a contest to […]

Say What Again —

It took me years to figure this out, so enjoy the hard-won information. There’s been no small amount of study in the area of how people perceive the world. More specifically, there’s been rather involved research in how people ingest information or how they “learn”. A standardized “here’s a room with a person in front […]

Not a Bummer! —

Jason was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to, which did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, […]

Bummer! —

So, I’m about to board a flight to Frankfurt, onward to Vienna, and then doing a bit of travelling and coming back in about 11 days. I will enjoy my birthday during the trip, and basically be doing a bunch of stuff I never have before. Therefore, there’s all sorts of chances I will die. […]

Jason in Europe —

I will be in Vienna, Austria from the 11th of September through to around the 20th at an event called Paraflows, put on by a group by Monochrom. If you live vaguely close to Vienna, now’s your hot chance to meet me. (I’m looking at you, Philipp Lenssen!) This will only be my second trip […]

Frontalot Video Deux —

So during my time at PAX this past weekend, I was able to shoot a Frontalot video for the next album. There are plans for me to do four of them, although you know how plans are. I finished editing the first version of this video this week, with color and lighting tweaks awaiting me […]

Where am I —

People who have been enjoying the cool, refreshing, and steady stream of intelligent postings from me over this past year are probably now concerned that I am dead, depressed, or yet another mummified corpse piled on top of the realm of the Defunct Weblog. Well, have no fear. I’m simply doing an enormous amount of […]

The Joker in the Line —

So I went to Comic-Con and I had a really wonderful time. I met a lot of my personal heroes, from back when I drew cartoons and fancied this as a future career, before I stopped doing so. They stayed my personal heroes of course; so getting to meet Al Jaffee, Frank Cho, Rick Geary, […]