ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category


This will be the last time I go along this area of discussion for a while because it’s just going to get very old very quickly. But I wanted, in one place, a quick manifesto/rant about this position. So here we go. FUCK THE CLOUD. By the cloud, of course, I mean this idea that […]

Haloooooooooooooooooooooooooh. —

To everyone I have ever played a game of Halo with, who was spectacularly good when their levels indicated they had barely started within the game; to all those folks whose profile implied they were but mere novices in the Halo 3 universe and yet showed surgeon-like precision in playing against me, utilizing tricks I’d […]

Team Archive is GO —

Registered, set up, and now live, ARCHIVETEAM.ORG is a wiki dedicated to saving data, assembling mirroring or retrieval efforts, and providing simple links to methodologies of archiving data. Think of it as a really profane, rough and tumble version of a library sciences convention. If you are suddenly filled with a sense of outrage or […]


So, 2009. It’s a tradition that people use the arbitrary time of the first day of the year to talk about where they’ve been and where they’re going.  Indulge me while I do same. This weblog has worked out pretty well for me; besides being a place where I can work out essays of thought […]

PinPin, Or The Fun Injection —

I found myself at the Lyons Arcade in Colorado in the company of Robb Sherwin and Dayna Rich, two people I’d met in person just earlier that day. Robb had been interviewed for Get Lamp, and the two of them had impulsively come along with me on my next stop, to interview the owner of […]

The Holiday Rush —

I’ve got quite a busy amount of projects for this upcoming couple of weeks. The movie is getting a lot of love, in the form of direct editing time. I expect to have days where I’m doing nothing but editing for 12 hours at a stretch. Hopefully this will lead to some workable sequences and […]

Never Shutting Up —

With the reboot of the ASCII weblog comes a chance, via these new tools dropped in my lap, to compile some information and lists I should have compiled quite some time ago. With the whole process so simple and enjoyable, I’ve got a rough version of one of the first of these, a list (with […]


The creators of  ROFLcon just announced me as one of the speakers at a mini-event in New York City they’re calling ROFLthing-NY.  They already ran a post-ROFLcon event called “ROFLthing-SF” in San Francisco earlier this year and now they’re doing one at a fun little nightspot in January. (I’ve seen links where people go “Wow, […]

One Less Jason Scott —

I didn’t know Jason Scott, but I sure did see his name a lot. With a common name like this one as my general name (it’s not my real one), it would be expected that I would bump up against other Jason Scotts. There’s Jason Scott Lee, the Hawaiian actor. There’s Jason Scott Roberts, who […]

Sockington’s Wild Success —

I mentioned Sockington’s twitter feed some time ago. And in the meantime, the little guy has become even more popular than you could imagine. At this point, over two thousand, seven hundred people pay attention to his adventures of food, patrolling, whimsical insanity, and cat toys. From what I can tell, he has his own […]