ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category

Transparent Paper: PAPER.TEXTFILES.COM —

For fun, let’s include everyone in on a little project of mine. Unlike Archive Team, I’m not actively seeking help on it for the moment, just doing some initial work and including you in on it. As part of my mission/life/hobby, I find myself often being sent collections of magazines, catalogs, and other paper that […]

A DAK Catalog Showdown? —

To commemorate (or at least reference) the subject I’m talking about (the DAK Catalog), I’m going to write in the style of the catalog itself. YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME I often get shipments of old magazines, catalogs, flyers and the like from people giving up collections they no longer want to care for […]

The Presentation Presentation —

The other main “guy on stage in a room addressing an audience” presentation I did at Notacon this past weekend was a little stranger. But maybe you’ll dig it. (Here’s a link to the page if the embedded player doesn’t work.) Here’s how it came about. I’ve attended a lot of presentations, watched them online […]

Brick and Morte —

While we’re on the subject of Flack O’Hara, he wrote a weblog entry recently about an unnecessary trip he took cross country for some training (the training was necessary but he doesn’t fly, so he has to drive the distances) and nestled amongst amusing stories of poor food, weird hotels and the experience of driving, […]

Results of Commo-Doc Bundle Experiment —

Last November, I decided to buy a stack of Rob O’Hara’s Commodork book, which I had reviewed positively a couple years earlier. I bought 50 copies, had Rob autograph each, and have maintained the stack here since, including it as part of a bundle on the BBS Documentary order page. So here we are, five […]

Health Update —

Oh yeah, health. That thing. So on the whole trend of getting healthier, I’ve made great strides, regardless of the irony of the whole rest of this entry. I’ve lost weight, been working out regularly (although sometimes that has to simply be an hour of running and little else), and people are noticing Something Is […]

Ah, Joe Clark. —

Ah, Mister Joe Clark. A person who has created some sort of visual work that has spoken language will decide they want it to be more accessible, either to people who don’t speak the language or to a raft of other folks (who I’ll cover in a moment). Naturally, these people will start searching around […]

Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Sector 2 —

Hurry, hurry, friends. This will probably be one of the only times you will be able to download and play a game that has Cory Doctorow, Emmanuel Goldstein, Bre Pettis, The Fat Man/George Sanger, Irina Slutsky, Jello Biafra, Bruce Sterling… and me. I can barely describe this thing. Let’s see how they do it: Soviet […]

Interlude —

This happened in the middle of one of those dreams where you’re running around a lot, from place to place, probably built up from a couple day’s events. In my dream, we’re trying to find someone. He’s supposed to be in a play. This takes us to where we think he’s hanging out, some area […]

Goodbye to the Bandwidth Dragon —

In 2003, having recently bought a house, I achieved a weird little dream of sorts: I had a T-1 line installed into my basement. With it came shelves of servers, a hub that blinked menacingly, and a lordship/dominion over 32 of my very own static IP addresses. This was a good time. Previously, I’d only […]