ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category

TEXTFILES.COM Call for Interns —

Well, here we go. I’m trying to clear out a bunch of backburnered projects this year. Some of them involve scanning, some involve sorting, and others involve cataloging. They’re all in that “getting this time-consuming process finished” realm, which doesn’t necessarily need me, in the personal sense, doing all the tasks. Here’s an example: I […]

In Which The Collection Is Assessed —

So I mentioned a couple days ago how I took in all these magazines and artifacts. I figured I’d talk a little about my thinking behind how I deal with this collection. It’s not how everyone does it and I wouldn’t pretend to be a learned expert, but I wanted to share some of my […]

The Collection —

Here is how it is done. After a couple days of delightful reunions and questionable criticism flare-ups at the Open Video Conference, I am walking what is supposed to be a few blocks to a post-event dinner. In fact, it is a many-block walk, and I am walking with Kevin Driscoll, who I know through […]

The Hiatus —

I always think it’s a better situation to announce a hiatus happened, instead of that it will be happening. Then everyone’s not worried. So, I had a hiatus from this weblog. The weblog is, this year, one of the lower priorities of my projects. Between the documentary editing, the sorting and cleaning up of my […]

Some Kind of Sixteen —

Unlike some schools, my high school allowed students wide berth in what they could put into yearbook photos and had a scattershot staff who could travel as needed to take your photo. I wanted my photo in my room (which I spent a lot of time in) and surrounded by items of mine. A series […]

The 3D Lemmings Companion —

Assuming you count a published book as a book that the publisher paid you to make and that you completed and delivered, my first published book was The 3D Lemmings Companion (1995). Unless you count a published book as being one that does all that and also ends up on shelves. Then I’ve never published […]

Paper and Geocities Update —

I’ll just combine these two while I’m here, since they’re just updates on ongoing projects. PAPER I have a lot of magazines. Did I mention that? A lot. A whole lot. Being made to split them out and get them into special bins instead of scattered among my belongings like sesame seeds means I’m starting […]

Halo Renderings —

I suspect I should really go back and do a “Halo” tag for these entries, there’s just too many of them. But I hope the things I’m talking about have a more general usefulness beyond this specific game. So Bungie (makers of Halo) have a new beta feature in place. Here’s a lovely video showing […]

Bring on the Pain #6: Netflix —

Continuing the riveting story of one guy with a perfectly fine documentary trying to go to all the distribution points that well-meaning people tell him in endless fan letters he should go to. Previous pain coverage was here:  Introduction,  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5. On with the show! From: Submissions <> Subject: Netflix Submission of […]

The Handheld 21st Century —

For years, my cell phone was a variation of a Motorola contractor’s phone. This was the most basic, but tough-built phone in the Motorola line, mostly intended to be on construction sites and in the hands of very rough-handling computer historians. The most recent one of those I owned was a i530. An i530 looks […]