ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

The Hiatus —


I always think it’s a better situation to announce a hiatus happened, instead of that it will be happening. Then everyone’s not worried. So, I had a hiatus from this weblog.

The weblog is, this year, one of the lower priorities of my projects. Between the documentary editing, the sorting and cleaning up of my archives, my massive backup crusade, and a huge realm of other time-takers, I just don’t make this weblog the first thing I want to do when I sit down at my desk or with my laptop.

I have had some awesome trips in the past month, and saw a lot of people who I don’t feel a pressing need to name-drop as proof I hung out with them.  I got some great ideas and have some things I’ll write about here, as I find the time. I just think that doing has to trump talking about doing for the time being.

Anyway, I was gone, now I’m back. Hi there.

Categorised as: jason his own self

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  1. Chris says:

    Where was the picture taken?

  2. Rabscuttle says:

    Hi there. Welcome back. 🙂