ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

The Frightening Cornucopia —

I am an extremely lucky person. I’m lucky for a host of reasons, but in this particular case, I’ve been matched up with the Perfect Job very early in my life – my 40s. Some people get earlier, of course, but many more get it later, if at all. Life at the Internet Archive is […]

JSMESS Makes a Little Noise —

Stuff just keeps falling in place with JSMESS. As of this moment, we have a version that handles sound. If you want to test out if your browser/machine/audio setup works well, you can’t do much better than clicking on this link and seeing if you’re hearing a ColecoVision play Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal. Assuming you […]

JSMESS Now Supports USB Joypads. Sort of. —

Huge breakthrough this week. JSMESS now supports USB-connected Joypads. In a few browsers. If you do the right thing at the right time. With luck. Here’s how it works. First, you need a browser that’s compatible with something called the Joypad API. As of this exact moment, that would be Google Chrome (most recent versions) […]

Lost in the Sands of Internet Time —

A few weeks ago, I got a mail asking for help tracking down documents:   Hi Jason, I am trying to locate three computer manuals. I just need the title page, copyright page, and date stamp showing a date received from 1996. I have already checked several library resources. A librarian colleague suggested I contact […]

Looking for Volunteers for the Scanning Brigade —

If you live within 30-60 minutes of Hopewell Junction, NY and the prospect interests you, I’m seeking volunteers to run a book scanner at my Information Cube that will allow us to scan a large amount of materials extremely quickly. Please hit me up at to discuss it, suggest people, or otherwise line up for […]

JSMESS and the Big Day —

  On Thursday, the 24th, (1024, in computer vernacular) I was part of a raft of announcements from the Internet Archive for the coming year. Reviews of great things that happened, great things happening, wonders to be shown. If you want to watch the whole event with pomp and circumstance (surprise guest and all), then […]

Scanning: Some Thoughts —

If perfect is the enemy of done, scanning has whipped out a switchblade and standing next to perfect, ready to kick done’s ass. Scanning is probably the number one thing I deal with, in terms of a process that folks can do themselves and which everyone has completely wild ideas about. How to scan, what […]

The JSMESS Triumph —

What an amazing few weeks it has been!   We made improvements to improvements. We refined refinements, and refined them even more. We found shortcuts and qualities and features. And eventually, it came down to a day when an automatically running script slammed through a list of every functioning platform MESS supports and created a […]

One Last Bit on JSMESS for a While —

  I know, three postings in a row is a bit much. When I get into a topic, I keep going, just never stop. It’s the kind of mindset that can end up with something like the BBS Documentary – just one guy slamming away at getting things done, day in and day out. In this […]