ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

WHAT the Cloud? —

In some circles, I’m known as the guy who wrote Fuck the Cloud. Yet as of this past weekend, I have three Amazon EC2 instances doing massive amounts of screenshots of ZX Spectrum programs (thousands so far) using the Screen Shotgun. Nobody has specifically come after me about this, but I figured I’d get out ahead of […]

The JSMESS Sound Emergency —

UPDATE: I’m happy to say a developer has come forward and we’re out of the woods on sound. It’s not perfect, but the web audio API isn’t perfect and we’re much better armed for interacting with it now. Thanks, everyone. Spread this one far and wide. It’s rare I get anything close to desperate, but […]

A Very Big Sort, or The Epic of Deaccessioning —

This has been years in the making. When my living space looked like this photo. it was just vaguely problematic. Considering what I do and what is specifically needed day to day, this project and storage situation was an issue. But that was a while ago. Now we’re at this: See, that’s seriously out of […]

MindCandy: The Last Bright Star Before the Media Dims —

The MindCandy series got me started on this whole “get it down in a movie” trip. Created with a love of the demoscene, a dedication to capturing the demos as accurately as possible, and most importantly explaining the entire process from beginning to end, MindCandy was a refreshing breath of air. DVDs, which were still relatively […]

Rise of the Screen Shotgun —

Continuing the thoughts I had in the previous entry, I’ve been working on a side-project to improve access to all the software and console games I’ve been uploading to the archive. To some percentage of the populace, it is a simple and obvious thing, but that’s how a lot of efficient breakthroughs happen – doing […]

Five Unemulated Computer Experiences —

While I and many others work to turn the experience of emulation into one as smooth and ubiquitous as possible, inevitably the corners and back alleys of discussions about this process present people claiming that there are unemulated aspects and therefore the entire project is doomed. I thought I would stoke that sad little fire […]

FTP’s Bright Sunset and Frozen Night —

FTP is kind of over. Now, don’t get mad at me for telling you this. It’s not like I’m the one killing it, and I’m certainly one of its biggest fans. It’s a really mature technology that does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It is flexible, pumps through almost anything, and has features that […]

Let a Thousand Cartridges Play —

On the day after Christmas, the Internet Archive announced that it was going to host a second Christmas. In one big flourish, the Console Living Room revealed that there was now available, via the JSMESS interface, one thousand cartridges to play. One thousand! In many cases, this would be nearly 100% of the total available […]

The JSMESS Endgame —

  Don’t worry, I’m not talking about an “end” to JSMESS. Oh goodness – far from it. Of the two versions of JSMESS we’re currently working with (the “in-process” version and the “dressed for dinner” version), we’re going to be adding a third version for general distribution out to anyone who wants to […]