ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

More JSMESS: Little Help Here —

Warning: A little about project management, then a whole lot about compiling. Three entries in a row about JSMESS! Well, I happen to think it’s one of the most important things I’ve been involved in. I mean, just think of it – vintage computers in a window, like they were a movie or a track […]

The Javascript MESS Plays Atari Today —

The Javascript MESS project (mentioned here and here and here and so on) continues its progress towards the goal of emulating dozens, later hundreds of computer platforms, in a browser-based fashion. And now, the Atari 800 joins the pack. If you want to check it out, just go here and select one of the programs […]

Change Computer History Forever: Well, Here We Are —

When Brewster hired me in 2011, he had the foresight to recognize I’d spread in many directions once I was under the auspiciousness of the Internet Archive, but he definitely had one overarching goal with my employment. Paraphrasing, it was this: the Archive had done very well with books, music, visual items, and of course […]

An Open Letter to TOSEC —

From my posting on the TOSEC development forum: Hello, everyone. My name is Jason Scott, and my position is “free-range Archivist” at the Internet Archive ( I’m here as a private individual, and not as a spokesman for the Archive in any way. I’ve been working there for about two years and have used them […]

The Javascript MESS Enters Beta —

Been working a long time towards this moment. A lot of good people working on a lot of good code, and helping each other towards this insane goal. JSMESS is in open beta. Four game consoles and one computer are supported. Many more are coming. I first postulated this was possible in October of 2011, […]