ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

The Pain of the Field Major —

Since the time I talked about it, I have ascended in level from Captain to Major in Halo 3. This didn’t happen immediately after the weblog entry, but a few weeks later. It came as the result of a particularly involved process of just jamming over and over into games until I won. In one […]

An Interesting Mentor Linkage —

OK, so I’ve talked about him before, but Pete Chvany, who was one of my great mentors in my formally-educated years, has had an enormous about of influence on me and a lot of how I look at life and recording it. I was so enamored of him as a teacher that I actually took […]

Steve Meretzky Speaking at MIT —

Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 18:57:29 -0400 (EDT) From: Nick Montfort Subject: [Purple-Blurb] Steve Meretzky on Monday (in Stata, not our usual location) STEVE MERETZKY Monday (Oct 6) at 6pm 32-141 Award-studded “game god”* Steve Meretzky will speak on Monday (Oct 6) at 6pm in the Stata Center, 32-141. Steve Meretzky’s first job in computer […]

The IIe Underground —

I can’t even begin to explain how wonderful this site is. Yes, it’s in French. Yes it’s a vaguely weird URL to refer to, lacking the panache of a or other clever domain-based knick-knack. But what work! What amazing effort! What an astounding collection of Apple II lore, stories, screens, descriptions, documentation, textfiles! Ce […]

Chasing Ghosts and a Game Day —

This is about playing video games and watching a movie. On its face, not a particularly unusual-sounding day, but this was my favorite collection of videogames and I’d been waiting for over a year to see this movie. The event is, as I’ve ranted about in the past, the semi-annual Game Day hosted at Luna […]

The FBI File of Yipl/TAP —

I don’t normally create weblog entries consisting of a smattering of opinion followed by a link elsewhere. I consider this lazy and barely putting myself above a shell script in terms of enhancing your online time and experience. But sometimes, you just have to hand it to someone and also take some time to hold […]

A Story of RBBS (and PC-Talk, and Andrew Fluegelman) —

This arrived in my mail, as pure uncut History. If you care much about RBBS or knowing a little more about Andrew Fluegelman, this will be of interest to you. (The first episode of the BBS Documentary is dedicated to him.) Note that RBBS predates the IBM PC – a version on CPM existed in […]

Your News in Full-Color GIF —

A person seeking a real sense of innovation vertigo could not do much better than to browse issues of GIF News, an online distributed newsletter edited and maintained by Eric Hsiao from 1988 to 1993. For example, it is worth noting that this is the full resolution of the earlier issues, 320 by 200 pixels. […]

The Worldgroup Underground —

I got a nice letter from someone discussing how the BBS Documentary missed a subject. For the record, it missed it because I didn’t cover contemporary BBS issues, and the shooting for the film was done in 2004, so even if it had done contemporary issues, they would be contemporary issues from a half-decade ago. […]

A Karateka Korrection —

One piece of trivia did come up during Comic-Con I should probably hasten to mention, as it clarifies a theory/rumor I gave to a lot of other people about 10 years ago. There was a game released for the Apple II and many other platforms in the early 1980s called Karateka. It was written by […]