ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Steve Meretzky Speaking at MIT —

Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 18:57:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nick Montfort
Subject: [Purple-Blurb] Steve Meretzky on Monday (in Stata, not our usual location)

Monday (Oct 6) at 6pm

Award-studded "game god"* Steve Meretzky will speak on Monday (Oct 6) at
6pm in the Stata Center, 32-141.

Steve Meretzky's first job in computer gaming was at the Cambridge company
Infocom, which was the leading interactive fiction developer. Meretzky
became the company's most prolific author, writing Planetfall, A Mind
Forever Voyaging, and Leather Goddesses of Phobos and co-authoring The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with Douglas Adams.

Meretzky has since worked at Legend Entertainment, Boffo Games (which he
co-founded), and WorldWinner. He is currently at Blue Fang Games.

Meretzky won the 2008 Game Design Challenge at GDC and recently starred in
the MC Frontalot video "It Is Pitch Dark."

Meretzky will speak, have a public conversation with Purple Blurb host
Nick Montfort, and then take questions from the audience. The event is
free and open to the public. To learn more about the Purple Blurb series of
which this talk is a part, see:

* According to the magazine PC Gamer.

If you live within 50-100 miles of Cambridge, Massachusetts, you might want to consider a road trip that evening.

Categorised as: computer history

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  1. Andy says:

    Please, please, PLEASE someone record this and put it online in any form at all.

  2. Flack says:

    And for God’s sake, someone make sure there’s good lighting in there. We don’t want Steve to be eaten by a Grue!