ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

Metafuckers —

I dream of a time when I won’t have to write things like this. When I can focus on uplifting, informative posts or essays or speeches in which I talk about neat stuff I’ve found, or connections I’ve tracked down, or some crazy hilarious thing that happened that I want to share with you. But […]

WizzyWIG Volume 3 is Coming: Volume 1 and 2 for Free —

I already wrote reviews of WizzyWIG Volume 1 and WizzyWIG Volume 2, Ed Piskor’s fun stew of hacking and phreaking history put out in a graphic novel format.  If you didn’t read them or don’t remember the gist of them, it was archivist/historian guy really liked these things, and that opinion hasn’t changed on subsequent […]

3 Million Files on CD.TEXTFILES.COM —

Yes, that’s right, it’s official: After hitting the one million file mark in December of 2005 and passing the two million mark a few years later, we’re now at over 3,000,000 files on, my shareware and shovelware collection. I’ve ranted about this thing consistently for years – it’s one of my favorite projects. For […]

Unpublished Article on Geocities —

I was asked by someone working for a Very Big Newspaper to write something to appear in the Very Big Newspaper.  Told I needed it in within a couple days and definitely by morning of a Thursday, I pulled an all-nighter and composed the writing as well as ensuring had a copy. It is […]

ARC/ZIP Perspective by Dean W. Cooper —

This statement is posted as-is, with no changes or editing, by Jason Scott. Comments by Jason will be in the comments section. My Perspective on the PKARC / ARC Controversy by Dean W. Cooper Nov 30th, 2009 Who Am I I am the author of the DWC archiver which was created around the same time […]

The Coming Information Utility, Now Gone and Everywhere —

The file is downloadable here. Here’s a local copy of this file: WesternUnionStrategicPlans_1965 I don’t expect a person coming in from the cold to spontaneously read a 17-page, weirdly-scanned document without some sort of context. So let me give it that context. This internal Western Union memo from 1965, from what I believe is either a […]

The TEXTFILES.COM Information Cube 1.0 —

This Friday, I was at my brother’s compound helping oversee the installation of a secret project, now revealed: The Information Cube. That’s my little brother and the driver, discussing the best way to offload this monster onto the property. At 40 feet by 8 feet by 8 feet, this is a storage container which has […]

Archive Team: Pssst, Want Some MIDI? —

Hey, remember those MIDI backgrounds so popular on some websites over the years? Sometimes the songs were great. Sometimes they really weren’t. For some people, the sound of “My Heart Will Go On” playing over a memorial site or “Crazy” (by Patsy Cline) playing over your personal weblog page was the height of tacky. For […]

Three Notebooks —

Three explorers set out. One wanted to rescue comrades. One wanted to talk to new people. One wanted to meet people and bring back knowledge. They never met, but that’s to be expected – they set out at different times, using different ships, to different destinations. One was Robert Wilson Andrews of the Kilauea, a […]

A Short History of Spelling Things R0ng —

This happens more than it should: I am engaged in a roundabout fashion with a person or persons whose work parallels/compliments mine, I acknowledge they’re doing good work, whatever it is, but I don’t just sit down and sift through their work. I have no idea why this happens. Jealousy? Fear of copying good ideas? […]