ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘jason his own self’ Category

Sony Vegas Media Bins: Not Ready for Prime Time —

Let me explain what’s going on with this entry. Summary: Most of you can ignore it. Perhaps it’s a reflection of how things have gone with online discourse, but I’m mostly posting this as a way of gaining search engine attention to the fact that Sony Vegas, the video editing software, has something called “Media […]

The DEFCON Documentary —

Earlier this year, I was hired by DEFCON to do a DEFCON documentary. DEFCON, if you’ve missed out, is a “hacker conference” that has been held since its beginning in Las Vegas, and this year is the 20th. That’s big enough news that the organization wanted to capture it in some way, and they hired […]

One Year Update: Jason and the Internet Archive —

I officially started work at the Internet Archive over a year ago. Let’s remove any tension – it has been a fantastic year, where I have gotten more done in the way of preservation and computer history work than my entire previous 40 years combined. Internet Archive seems to like me, I really like them, […]

What Selling Out Reads Like —

Over two and a half years ago, I wrote a statement on Sockington selling out, where I basically said the following: “I am not going to sell Socks out.  Period.  Drag your “proposal” or ‘touching base” or “big idea” or “possibility” to your trash icon, or I’ll kindly take the time to do it for […]

Haircut and a Holocaust —

This post is kind of a bummer, although it does have a somewhat happy ending. I don’t discuss my own family history before my being born all that often – mostly out of privacy, partially out of not having been there, and maybe a dash of “too busy on other subjects”, but I wanted to […]

On the On the Media —

BROOKE GLADSTONE:  This is On the Media. I’m Brooke Gladstone. BOB GARFIELD:  And I’m Bob Garfield. Once we put photos in a scrapbook. Today we put them on Flickr. Once we chronicled our days in a diary. Now we update our Facebook page. Once we kept Super 8 movies of our kids. These days we post […]

…and here we are. —

It took a lot to get me to move the ASCII weblog. A ton, a mass. You have to be a certain high quality of assmunch to get me to throw half a day into the fire and slowly, painfully move 9 years of website, of individual, unique quirks and odd choices, buried under the sands […]

Listen! (A Lost Project) —

A while back, I was asked to take some of my recordings of telephone conference lines and arrange them into some sort of recording or demonstrative collage. The idea was that it would be a cornerstone of a presentation and appearance at an event. Over time, I decided the event was not something I wanted […]


So, very quickly. SOPA is just the latest in really stupid laws that are intended to change the very nature of online life (along with a lot of aspects of offline life) to bring the Internet in line with the “real world”, e.g., Shit. It was made by people trying to fundamentally change how this […]