ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Listen! (A Lost Project) —

A while back, I was asked to take some of my recordings of telephone conference lines and arrange them into some sort of recording or demonstrative collage. The idea was that it would be a cornerstone of a presentation and appearance at an event. Over time, I decided the event was not something I wanted to be part of, but in the meantime, I’d created a collage of telephone conference recordings, as a prototype. As I figure I spent some time on it, and some folks enjoy my editing, I thought I’d drop it here.

It’s about 20 minutes, uses a bunch of CC-SA music, and combines probably 20-30 clips from various voicemails, conference calls and the like from the website.

It’s a little strange, a little jarring, occasionally transcendental. I guess the best name for it is “Listen!” because that word shows up a few times in there. The influence of the Negativland KPFA show Over the Edge should be obvious. And if it’s not… you should really check out the Negativland KPFA show Over the Edge!

Enjoy it with my compliments.


Categorised as: jason his own self

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  1. Emanuel-S says:

    Great – I really like that… good style with the background-music. Thx! I wish, there would be more of this kind of audiofile-stuff… to hear on the road in the car (or bus), when you can’t read textfiles/blog or watch the documentaries!

  2. Fun stuff to listen to, and great production value on the audio.

  3. […] zu machen. Nachdem der gute Jason in seinem (aktuell gerade in visuellem Umbau) Blog letztens einen Zusammenschnitt von Telefon-Hangouts (hier der direkte MP3-Link) von 1987 – 1990 zusammen geklatscht hat (nice stuff!) und ich […]