ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘housecleaning’ Category

Paper and Geocities Update —

I’ll just combine these two while I’m here, since they’re just updates on ongoing projects. PAPER I have a lot of magazines. Did I mention that? A lot. A whole lot. Being made to split them out and get them into special bins instead of scattered among my belongings like sesame seeds means I’m starting […]

Transparent Paper: PAPER.TEXTFILES.COM —

For fun, let’s include everyone in on a little project of mine. Unlike Archive Team, I’m not actively seeking help on it for the moment, just doing some initial work and including you in on it. As part of my mission/life/hobby, I find myself often being sent collections of magazines, catalogs, and other paper that […]

Geocities: Why Hello, Everybody —

Well, hasn’t it been a fascinating few days indeed. Remember that, late last week, this project wasn’t even on the horizon. I mean, Archive Team was, and I had mechanisms and structure in place to call out to people, but there was no indication that Geocities was experiencing any problems or future changes. So this […]

Green, With Envy —

Ah, it’s like Christmas, or maybe just like finding something broken downstairs. When a rush of people come to this site for the first time, perhaps because of a prominent posting or my causing trouble in other circles, the opinions arrive with them, variant and colorful. I find people with all sorts of opinions on […]

Conversation With a Dead Guy —

OK, so because I wrote some stuff about my opinion about black-box shared resources and its consequence on data sustainability, I have gotten a lot of attention from a lot of people, some positive and some negative. We’ll set the positives aside, and most of the negatives, as well. Many negatives are from people who confused […]

On Comments and Commentary —

I have a policy about comments. I probably should put it somewhere. How about here! Some weblogs are in the business of hits. Among the things they do to ensure hits, besides writing about subjects that Adwords says a lot of people want to know about, is to try to keep a good frothy conversation […]


This will be the last time I go along this area of discussion for a while because it’s just going to get very old very quickly. But I wanted, in one place, a quick manifesto/rant about this position. So here we go. FUCK THE CLOUD. By the cloud, of course, I mean this idea that […]


So, 2009. It’s a tradition that people use the arbitrary time of the first day of the year to talk about where they’ve been and where they’re going.  Indulge me while I do same. This weblog has worked out pretty well for me; besides being a place where I can work out essays of thought […]

Eviction, or the Coming Datapocalypse —

A terrible thing happened recently. You might have missed it. AOL Hometown, which itself was actually a combination of a bunch of previously acquired websites, shut down. It shut down on October 31 of this year. If you try to go to a site that used to be hosted there, you are forwarded to a […]