ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

A Buffet of Backwards Looking —

Here’s some links from around the internet that have captured my attention and interest in the last bit of time. I don’t often write these, but I like to think the stuff that interests me ranges from obscure to unexpected. Let’s see how this little experiment goes. From The Past To The Future: Tim Sweeney […]

Long Gone —

I was kindly invited to speak in front of some college students a little while ago.  The content was free-form and I mostly tried to give some impressions about computer history, the context of what I collect, and other random thoughts that I thought would be beneficial to the students (and college employees and teachers, […]

The 3D Lemmings Companion —

Assuming you count a published book as a book that the publisher paid you to make and that you completed and delivered, my first published book was The 3D Lemmings Companion (1995). Unless you count a published book as being one that does all that and also ends up on shelves. Then I’ve never published […]

Paper and Geocities Update —

I’ll just combine these two while I’m here, since they’re just updates on ongoing projects. PAPER I have a lot of magazines. Did I mention that? A lot. A whole lot. Being made to split them out and get them into special bins instead of scattered among my belongings like sesame seeds means I’m starting […]

Transparent Paper: PAPER.TEXTFILES.COM —

For fun, let’s include everyone in on a little project of mine. Unlike Archive Team, I’m not actively seeking help on it for the moment, just doing some initial work and including you in on it. As part of my mission/life/hobby, I find myself often being sent collections of magazines, catalogs, and other paper that […]

A DAK Catalog Showdown? —

To commemorate (or at least reference) the subject I’m talking about (the DAK Catalog), I’m going to write in the style of the catalog itself. YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME I often get shipments of old magazines, catalogs, flyers and the like from people giving up collections they no longer want to care for […]

Geocities: Why Hello, Everybody —

Well, hasn’t it been a fascinating few days indeed. Remember that, late last week, this project wasn’t even on the horizon. I mean, Archive Team was, and I had mechanisms and structure in place to call out to people, but there was no indication that Geocities was experiencing any problems or future changes. So this […]

Sniper Spree —

And now, a quick interlude. Some quick ruminations on the meaning of a contest-winning best-of-sniper-shots-in-Halo video I’ve watched a couple times recently. I am sure that for some people, “Jason And Halo” has become that saddest of weblog tropes, the Thing That The Weblogger Keeps Going Back To That We Got The Point Already Thanks. […]

Geocities: Lessons So Far —

The Geocities-is-going-away thing broke wide a short while ago. The “Jason is Saving Geocities” thing is breaking wider by the day, so I guess we need an update. After my initial call-out, a nice selection of folks showed up to the Archive Team IRC channel, ranging from the offering of bandwidth and disk space or […]

Geocities —

So Yahoo, cowards that they are, announced in the most quiet and subtle manner possible that they were shutting down Geocities, the nearly 20-years-old hosting service and site that has been home to untold millions over the years. I suppose I should be flattered that well over two dozen people have contacted me to ask, […]