Shorn —
So, I recently got a slight hair reduction:
I mention this for two reasons:
- A lot of people have only known me in the past 5 years or less, and have never known a time where I didn’t have some level of hair or goatee.
- I don’t want to be refused entry for the time being when I’m supposed to be on the appearance schedule somewhere.
As for what’s going on… well, I noticed my hair was getting unruly and maintenance was getting problematic, along with what choices I was making for my next hair or beard style. So time to start from scratch, enjoy a clean face for a while, make plans for the next “look”, or just enjoy this one. Apparently I look a tad younger, too.
Anyway, just so you know.
On the bright side, I didn’t stick with this in-process version, which was universally derided as classic porn-loving van driver:
Categorised as: housecleaning | jason his own self
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“and have never known a time where I didn’t have some level of hair or goatse”
I fixed that sentence for you.
You do look younger. Good decision, IMO. RIP, DFH.
…and as we all know, Jost is the expert on goats.
Dude. The porn van driver look is totally you. Just work on the leer some more.
you really do look like a 1970’s male prostitute . . . . I LIKE IT!
Sorry. You *still* look just like my Grade 10 History teacher who wanted to play D&D with us.
You look a lot less scary without the beard, too.
No, not porn-loving van driver. You just look like you’re ready to turn a rabbit into a rabbi is all.
you seem to have lost your ability to glower. I am disappointed. We need glowering pictures of shorn Jason.
I like it, Jason. Although I agree with V, a glower picture would be nice, just to see it on the new you.
I just realized, without your glower and with your new appearance, you look a lot like a good friend of mine. He’s a cool guy (well, a sort of geek and into D&D and rifles, but a good person and interesting and I like him).
You might look good with a shaved head. I’m just sayin’ is all
i like the haircut+shave
you dont give me nightmares anymore.
I love shaving after a while. Then you can go undercover and see who you can fool. ;D