CD.TEXTFILES.COM has been up and down for the last few weeks while I’ve been moving it to a new server. The old server that textfiles runs on seems to crash or stop doing networking under specific heavy load (and randomly, too), so a new server is being populated. Every other site is already active under the new server and should be running fine.
The site is many hundreds of gigabytes now, so this is taking time. The irony is that I need to keep rebooting the old server because it dies during the synchronization. I’d synch through my home connection but obviously a 100mbit local connection trumps a constant uploading through the internet. This is going to take days, which is both great that I have so much data, but also frustrating, because I want people to get access to this stuff when they want/need it.
In the future, I’m likely to just have USB drives that are shipped to my provider should I have catastrophic failures or otherwise need to populate.
(Speaking of this site; there appears to simply be no way to make a web-browsable version of a Mac (HFS)-based CD-ROM. This is a shame, since I have 30 of them ready to go when I do figure out what to do.)
Keep those CD-ROMs coming! Another pile just came in, and will join the constantly growing site soon. The yields from this collection are churning up some amazing results indeed….
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Comments are disabled on this post looks like a filesystem driver for 2.6 & 2.4 linux kernels that can read current MacOS filesystems. It appears to be beta, but I bet it’s OK in a read-only mode.
Try using with the loopback device (often used for mounting cdrom images) and you could probably get something going. It would be at kernel level (not just at the web server level), so that might not be solution you were looking for.
This site appears to have a set of utilities (in the tradition of mtools) for looking at HFS filesystems. You might try those hooked up through some appropriate scripting.