Adventurespiele —
Hey, did you know I can speak German? Neither did I!
“Ich habe vorher ein paar Jahre an einer Dokumentation uber Mailbox-Systeme (BBS) gearbeitet und als ich damit fertig war, merkte ich, dass ich viele Fahigkeiten aufgebaut hatte, die ich noch woanders einsetzen konnte.”
OK, fine, I was translated from english answers I gave. That was nice of them.
I don’t know how much people who read this weblog will find new, but there you go.
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Heh, “your” german sounds quite nerdy though. Typically word-by-word german-english translation by a german. 🙂
Heh, “your” german sounds quite nerdy though. Typically word-by-word german-english translation by a german. 🙂