ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Rock on Out to the Blockparty —

Yes, somehow I’m still finding the time to continue efforts on Blockparty, the demo-party-in-the-US that I’m an organizer for. The website has a bunch of information about it, and further updates are happening shortly. Avid readers of this weblog will recall that I went off about this big project just a short while ago.

If you heard about this thing from me and are on the fence about whether to attend, this is your best time to come to the logical conclusion that attendance is mandatory. Because the hosting event, Notacon, has a tiered system of tickets with earlier ones being cheaper, it’s totally in your best interest to buy tickets now.

So much for shilling. Now let me give you some good reasons to go.

We’ve not been sitting around, hoping everyone will grab a party hat and truck on down fueled by pure faith; We’ve been burning up the phone lines and e-mails trying to get some demoscene-related speakers to show up. And man, has that been working out.

To introduce people at Notacon as to what the “demoscene” is, we’ve brought in Andy Voss, “Phoenix” of the group Hornet. He’s one of the top experts about the history and story of the demoscene, certainly in this country. And with over a decade of playing an active role in his own right, he has a lot of credit and stories to his name. He’ll be giving a talk called “Allow Me To Demonstrate”, which will serve as a primer on what all this stuff is.

We got our hands on Andrew Sega, who many people within the demoscene know as Necros. You know someone was a memorable musician when they have shrine websites dedicated to them. I first saw Necros at the NAID event and was blown away by his presentation. Now, 11 years later, he’s been brought back to share his skills.

One of my best buddies, Trixter of Hornet will also be appearing talking about his jaw-dropping technical tour-de-force “8088 Corruption“. He took an IBM Model 5150 (that’s the first IBM PC, 4.77MHz CPU and all) and made it show full-motion video and accompanying sound. (!) He’ll be bringing the machine he did this on and throw everyone into an old-school tour-de-force.

What I’m saying here, is we’re going to make this an amazing time. It’ll be worth the trip. So start pencilling in your end of April.

Here’s the order page. Help me and the rest of the team make this a party to remember.

Oh, and as people are likely finding out, I just spent a full evening rebuilding this weblog from the ground up. When you’re getting contacted by web celebrities that are complimenting you on your writing and telling you to change the fucking fonts, it’s occasionally nice to listen.

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  1. Rowan says:

    > a full evening rebuilding
    > this weblog from the ground
    > up.

    I hope this is just a problem on my end and not yours, but since the, uh, redesign, this page at seems to contain a lot of black text on black background, meaning the only parts legible without highlighting are the links. Main! Blockparty! Went off! Notacon! It’s certainly an interesting heuristic for producing an executive summary, but we lose some of the niceties of your prose style 8)

  2. Punching Judy says:

    I like the new layout. And I’ll promise to buy /and/ watch your arcade documentary if you tell Warren Ellis that his new design sucks ass.

  3. fuzz says:

    I only noticed the new layout today. When I tried to read this post yesterday all I could see were the links floating in the black.

    I thought it looked cool :/