ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

The Distrust Sphinchter —


I have completed my initial impromptu 10 year survey of the transportation security administration.

I was drafted into this wretched task as a side effect of my work with my first documentary. Whereas previously I might travel one or two times a year by plane, I suddenly found myself taking dozens of flights, until I looked back and realized I had traveled over 100 times by air. This puts me, I think, in a rare position to assess the methodology by which people are checked to make sure they don’t wish to hijack or blow up a plane.

I’m sure along the way the TSA has invented all sorts of other reasons besides stopping blowing-up-people from doing the work they do, but primarily, they are supposed to stop the planes from being flown into buildings.

On this, we have to give them the causality award. No more planes have been flown into buildings. Not a one! Perfect!

And the very tiny, very small price we’ve had to pay as a result is that every single goddamn plane flight is turned into a miserable carnival of meaningless activity, stupidity ruling the day, and needless stress and hassle. We’ve trashed civil liberties, harassed seniors and infants as if they were gun toting mercenaries, and generally made everything worse in the realm of planes. As a bonus, talk continues on increasing this randomness spot checking into other major forms of transportation, since that causality award opens a lot of doors.

Well, except for cockpit doors, which were reinforced after 2001, in which continue to be one of the best defenses against trouble on the plane. Much more, one might say, than the moron river of pre-flight check-in.

Harkening back to 2002, I began flying in January, just in time for all sorts of insane new rules to be put in. As a bonus, nobody had any fucking clue as to what methodologies would work, what wouldn’t, and whether it was all worth it. Heady times, indeed.

At the time, my dash of Russian heritage ensured that I fell below the swarthiness threshold so I could expect extra special harassment and attention from the flood of mouth breathers with badges slapped on them to look authoritative. My strongest memory from those early days was the older gentleman who had me unscrew every lens in my collection, so he could peer through it, ostensibly studying as to whether I had shoved some sort of explosive, weapon, or incendiary within my trick camera. “If you can see the light, it won’t blow up, right” must have been the trusted rule of thumb in effect.

I could allow some period of random running around, as the palpable curtain of fear in the wake of such a horrifying event could make many people enact poor decisions. Initial freakout overreaching panic grabs are a hallmark of unknown danger, after all. Eventually I got way too light-skinned for special treatment, for example, although my camera equipment would still raise alarms.

Unfortunately, the rest of these arbitrary rules, responses to random perceived threats imposed on a countrywide scale, became the rules, the manifesto, and the unquestionable wisdom of those above. We then gave these randomly imposed and unexplainable rules down to some of the most mindless individuals in the public sector. And that’s when it started to really suck ass.

Probably the most infuriating aspect is the inconsistency. In some airports, you can put the shoes you wear into a tray. On others, you will be yelled at as if you’re some sort of uncouth beast, up to and including a hygiene lecture. I’ve seen that happen more times than I like. In other airports, the Shoes Off Rule isn’t enacted at all, with this fact gloated upon as if it was some sort of gift from the heavens, or a tax-free Jubilee day. In all cases, these are the results of random reports that someone might put something incendiary into their shoes. The fact they may put something incendiary anywhere on their person seems to have been an unfortunate omission in this genius plan. In some airports, this condition of shoelessness is supplied with a clean carpet. In others, cold tile, disgusting mats, or random carpet greet the travelers. It effectively ruins the dignity of travel like applying a Brillo pad to a beloved metal brooch.

Liquids. Really. Tell me again how your random scenarios justified the astounding amount of waste that’s been caused. Also tell me about how explosive material, now barred from the plane, can’t be placed in the trashcan full of tons of other liquids.

It’s kind of crazy that tugging at your belt and removing it in a crowd is acceptable now. I kind of dig that one.

In some airports, you have to take out anything with electronics. iPads have a quantum state of acceptable and non-acceptable. In others, I have shoved a suitcase full of Circuit City through the cancer-o-matic and watched it go through without a raised eyebrow. You have not looked into the true face of a coma patient returned to the workforce until you look at an x-ray operator at TSA.

I’ve got a lot of friends in the security industry. I have yet to hear one justify or defend any aspect of what the TSA does now, compared to simply checking for metal, and occasionally quizzing people as to where they are going to see if they freak out. They all know it’s bullshit. They know it in their hearts, and they say it all the time. It. Is. Bullshit.

More than anything else, to be honest, it’s the speeches that get to me most of all. The faltering, mealy-mouthed, this side of illiterate proverbs shouted by tsa agents at crowds of tired, huddled people just trying to get onto planes they paid hundreds or thousands to get on. It’s obvious there’s no class given to provide these nuggets of wisdom. They’re obviously the frustrated bleating of people with no real training and no real way to express their frustration at the occasional missed item or the forgotten bag put in the wrong way. For some reason these really grate on me. They’re like McDonald’s employees yelling at you about good nutrition. They yell platitudes at people, and then turn their heads 5° and yell at the three people behind the people they yelled at.

This is the situation, every day, every hour, as thousands and thousands of people travel around the world, to and from this country, and experiencing the absolute bottom of the barrel customer service experience.

Of course, I can’t merely be content with being shouted at, given inconsistent instructions and declarations, and forced to walk slow death marches through tedious empty procedures. No, I am also what’s known as an “opt out.”

This means that I refuse to go through the millimeter scan wave machine or through any other variation of crappy technology to deep scan my person. I have this right, and I take this right. And when I declare it, I am made to stand off to the side and wait for them to find someone to inspect me. In some airports, they use a radio system and somebody comes in nearly immediately. In others, they do it by shouting “MALE ASSIST” into a crowd of people. This works about as well as you can expect. The record, currently held by Minnesota, was 45 minutes before someone showed up. It’s not a matter of major airports versus minor airports. They just literally have radios at random airports and shouting at others.

If I’m really lucky, the agent tries to explain to me why the scan wave machine is not harmful, and is not a problem. Those are very special times indeed.

When you opt out, someone comes over and feels you very insistently.

I’ve now been deep fondled by such a wide variety of agents, that some of them are getting second and third runs at me. Since I know the procedure by heart, I often immediately make statements declaring that I don’t want a private screening, and that I don’t have any medical equipment, and I have no sensitivity. Some agents smile and then continue. Others frown and insist that the rules say they have to say it all to me even though I just said it to them. No such rules.

As I stand there, arms outstretched, I think about how little this does for me, for safety, for liberty, for any of it. It is simple cargo cult fondling provided as some sort of safety dance for a threat neither understood nor relevant.

As a bonus, I like to waggle my eyebrows at passerby as the process goes on. It adds spice.

Finally, after verifying I’m not carrying an AK-47 on my person, every agent does the same thing. They take their gloves, rub them with a small cloth, and shove them into some sort of anti-terrorism easy bake oven that dings to say I’m not a terrorist. It is so obvious that many of them have completely abdicated any logical thought and simply let the machine ding their way into the next part, that I’ll bet these machines are rarely cleaned, and totally don’t work as advertised.

So my assessment? Not positive.

Like any terrible service industry, I’m sure there are agents that surprise and delight, who show intelligence and compassion and thinking far beyond the confines of their job, and to serve with dignity, wisdom, and authority. On that topic, I can also tell you about the time I met a very smart goat.

In recent times, they’ve now created special pre-check fast lanes, so the privileged and well-off can pay their way through faster security. Somebody has forgotten about the phrase “attack vector.”

They probably also forgotten how wonderful air travel used to be. I’ve had the privilege of traveling in other countries, to get a glimpse of those times, when security was important, but not an excuse to crush and ruin the day of thousands of people, chasing tail, accomplishing nothing, wasting and ruining and decimating the amazing experience of travel.

See you on the spitefully added no-fly list.

The Fuel Costs of Not Moving —


copy of letter sent to

William Scotsman:

I’ve been a very happy customer with regards to the shipping container I have rented from you for several years. That is, I rented a shipping container, paid for the transport to and from the site, and have left it full of stuff in my backyard for years since.

I am about to pay my November bill, and I wanted to make two notes before I do.

First, when I started renting from you, my container cost $100 a month to rent and included a $10 property damage waiver, for a total of $110 a month. This is a great bargain for 40’x8’x8′ of space. I’ve made great use of it.

At some point, you mentioned you were raising your rates. You mentioned “rising fuel costs” as the reason. At the time, a friend of mine pointed out the ludicrousness of this, and I laughed with him about it, but never brought it up. I’m bringing it up now.

The container doesn’t move. It requires none of your fuel. It sits in my yard, on my property, and holds things. You don’t provide maintenance, you don’t visit or verify its structure, and you certainly don’t move it anywhere. In other words, you have been charging me, to the tune of hundreds of dollars, for fuel costs that you never incur, simply because some other aspect of your business is costing you money. I might not have even noticed, but you specifically cited rising fuel costs. I question the entire line of thinking. Additionally, I pre-paid for having the container trucked out at some point in the future. You’ve been holding that money for years, in what I hope is a bank account of some sort. So these contributory fuel costs, which at this point have been likely triple or quadruple that ship-out fee, are being taken for no real reason. I am disappointed in this.

Second, I attempted some time ago to purchase the container, noting that for a few thousand dollars, I could just own the item and do with it as I wished, including modify it for ventilation and lighting. I called and was told something that again, at the time, I thought was humorous, but have not continued to think so over time.

The customer contact explained to me that my container, which is as generic as it can get, and which had chinese markings and paper taped to the insides from its previous use as (as far as I can tell) an off-the-boat clothing sale market, was part of the “rental” fleet. If I wished to purchase a container, I would have to buy something from the “seller” fleet.

In other words, I was being asked to 100% empty out the container, go through the effort of making space to have it hauled out (at what I’m sure would be a notable cost above the part I pre-paid for), and then replaced with, essentially, the exact same container for me to re-fill (and possibly dealing with a scheduling issue, storing these items outside, and the rest of the associated problems). Obviously, I would never do this, and if I did, it would be to empty out the container and order a container from another firm.

As it is, I am now spending $150.83 a month of my container, a rise in price from $100 to $129 for the base rent, and $11 a month for my damage waiver, up from $10 for reasons I can’t quite fathom either. As I am constricting and tracking down my cost of living to meet my reduced means, small things like this didn’t bother me before, but now they do.

I will be continuing to pay for my shipping container and intend to remain a customer for the forseeable future, but can’t, at this point, recommend renting containers from William Scotsman.

Jason Scott

The JSMESS Endgame —



Don’t worry, I’m not talking about an “end” to JSMESS.

Oh goodness – far from it. Of the two versions of JSMESS we’re currently working with (the “in-process” version and the “dressed for dinner” version), we’re going to be adding a third version for general distribution out to anyone who wants to run JSMESS on their own site. We have gotten sound running (somewhat, and best in Firefox), joypad support (in Chrome and Firefox, but you have to enable it in Firefox), and full screen. We also got the pipeline from “New version of MESS is made, new version of JSMESS is generated from it” down to a near (time-consuming) science, so it’ll be possible to keep up with the many-per-day changes to MESS that are going on. Things are vibrant, intense, and amazing.

In fact, I just wanted to touch a little on where I think this whole thing is going, and what my vision is for JSMESS’s future. I figure we’ve been making such amazing strides, that some folks might start to wonder if there’s any plan at all beyond “it works”.

There is.



JSMESS is as much an idea as a pile of JavaScript. The idea is to use the currently-most-critical networked window into the Internet, the browser, and the currently-most-portable-and-not-controlled-by-maniacs runtime language, JavaScript, to present an easy link to the currently-most-portable and currently-most-flexible emulator, MESS. Putting all those together, we came up with “Use ‘JavaScript’ on ‘Browsers’ to execute ‘MESS'”.

I am hugely skeptical we will see the browser paradigm disappear anytime soon, certainly not within the next five to ten years.

I’m also very skeptical something is going to sneak up on MESS and take away the portability/flexibility crown. (Individual emulators can smoke MESS on chip-performance accuracy, but then they only do one platform, not 1600.) Maybe someone will cook up some amazing emulator out of the bushes that will blow past MESS – that’s not out of the realm of possibility. I don’t know of one, but that’s how obsessive projects work – someone burns brain on it in darkness and then drops it on the world.

JavaScript, however, could easily be horked past by someone or someones with a true open-source addition that all the browsers cook in after a few months of testing. It’ll have some stupid name, and will maybe use some trickery to get improved speed, as well as offering all sorts of programmatic advantages that someone would expect. (Right now, there are backwards-bending tricks to make Javascript do the proper thing, and that’s not always very good for anyone involved.)

The important thing here is that the IDEA of JSMESS transcends the individual parts – the emulator, the browser, the scripting language of choice. All of these can be swapped out and the idea lives on – you turn on this thing in your computer and within seconds you are interacting with vintage software. That’s what we shot for and that’s what we have.

So, expect probably some upheaval in JSMESS and how it runs in the future, near or distant, depending on what’s best for the core values of speed, accuracy and access. That might happen in six months (unlikely) or six years (likely).



The goal with JSMESS has always been to think of it as a “software player” in the same way that we think of “video players” and “audio players” – discreet programs that will put us in touch with the digital item. To that end, we have a whole range of plans for adding features to the JSMESS “player” that you interact with. I don’t want to list them out here, as some will inevitably be dead ends and others will be subsumed or decided against, but the point is that once the JSMESS player deals with one system, it will more often than not deal with all the systems. For example, once we have sound running smoothly, all platforms have sound running smoothly, both in terms of browser platform and emulated platform.

So as more features enabling you to interact with these emulated platforms are added, the experience becomes richer, more reproducible, more flexible. Some features might only be of interest to a few people, while others will have been called for by anyone who uses JSMESS for a few minutes. Whatever they are, we’ll add them and they’ll just be part of the landscape going forward.

Let me tell you – the Joypad changes the experience completely. You can definitely use keyboard controls, but going back to joysticks to interact with some programs brings up a pretty visceral reaction. It made the program just work better for a bunch of reasons – and it’s optional going forward. That’s the plan generally, regarding that.



Finally, there’s the secret weapon – something I call The Feedback Loop.

Emulation development is a strange art, and one that can be really non-rewarding. You spend a lot of time trying to ramp up a program that plays other programs, and then you realize the official documentation is wrong, there are missing pieces and unexpected confluence with the machine the emulator is running on, and so on. Adding to this frustration is the fact that if you’re collaborating on an emulation project, some of the developers are by the nature of the process hard-edged, critical of radical change, and generally abrasive about the process in the pursuit of perfection… and then you find being The New Coder is a crapshoot of ease and difficulty. Maybe you suggest a change and everyone hoists you on their shoulders, while other times you get a stream of profanity. Emulation is very hard work, coding wise, and it can be an uphill battle to keep track of all the moving parts and contribute positively to the project. And in the case of emulators, the audience is (relatively) small and often hypercritical of what they get on the outside, so your skin has to be a certain level of tough. The result, then, is the pool of developers can be relatively small, especially for platforms that lack the passionate adherents dedicated to that platform’s accuracy and immortality.

What we have here, with the ability to run the emulator directly in the browser, is proof positive that the work you put into it has near-instantaneous effect. Make the emulator better, and the ability of people all over the world to run this platform in their browsers is better. That may be a critical push for a specific set of development-oriented folks, and allow additional focus on more obscure platforms. The dream is someone who goes around doing incremental improvements to platforms that are not all-stars, but just as critical to preserve, maybe more so.

Improvement will beget improvement. The MESS team already does amazing work, so more people focused in on working various parts will make the project stronger. It’ll encourage more documentation as more people want to learn how to ramp up.

That’s the hope, anyway. We’ll see how it pans out.


The Frightening Cornucopia —

I am an extremely lucky person.

I’m lucky for a host of reasons, but in this particular case, I’ve been matched up with the Perfect Job very early in my life – my 40s. Some people get earlier, of course, but many more get it later, if at all. Life at the Internet Archive is just what I wanted it to be. Conflicts are barely anthills. Achieved dreams loom in every direction. Triumphs have been many, failures often more hilarious than troublesome.

When I joined in 2011, I was given several overarching aspects to think about, and I added a few of my own. One of them was software and another was the emulation in a browser thing, both of them going quite swimmingly. Another was to spiff up the donation page, and at this exact second the design’s a little cramped for the holiday matching fund drive, the flexibility of the new design and the addition of subscriptions turned out to be well worth my attention.

So, 2014 looms. What’s got my attention and why did I use a word like frightening in the title of this entry?

First of all, I’m not “done” with the JSMESS project and I’m certainly not done adding software items to the archive – those will continue and may even dwarf the rest of what I’m doing for some time to come. They’re both big, important things and I’m working on them nearly daily, as are many others.

We needed easier money donation, and we needed software emulation in the browser, and now we have that, and it will get better as time goes on.

In 2014, I want to go after two other weaknesses in the Internet Archive arsenal: Metadata and Discovery. (And maybe Accessibility if we can swing it).

When I interact with professional librarians and archivists, or even folks who are really, really into the subjects that I’m focusing on (vintage software, crazy old crap), the conversation quickly turns to how in fact these items are being described and given metadata. And then the question of how it can possibly be found at all.

So, in the very specific realm of software, bear in mind we’re making up for decades of institutional neglect. Oh, hobbyists and intense amateurs were getting shit done, let’s not diminish that work at all. But it was all being done under this cloud of “are we in trouble” that meant that the hosting and interaction of the materials meant that a few random brave souls would make good collections (Home of the Underdogs for binaries, MobyGames for metadata, for ROMs) and then things would go south for a variety of reasons and the information and data would disappear again, sometimes for good. No institution stepped in. Not really. And so here we are, with the Internet Archive now stepping in. Become the largest historical collection in the world? Check.

To do this, we absorbed many terabytes of data, from a wide range of software. Some people were very specific about high-quality descriptions and naming. Others…. were not. But again, to make up for lost time, in it went.

Same with old documents related to computers, old videos, old audio. My philosophy has been, and continues to be, get it online first. GET IT ONLINE FIRST. Deal with EVERYTHING ELSE LATER.

If it’s online, it’s not in a box in a basement or attic. If it’s online, it can be commented on. If it’s online, it can be shifted around effortlessly and included in greater and greater things. And if it’s online, it isn’t rotting on some piece of magnetic plastic or dimpled plastic or broken plastic. Granted, we’re buying a whole other range of long-term problems putting it on spinning disks and what have you, but the long-term preservation of the item is now a whole lot easier, should we be responsible. Being online is a great thing.

Once stuff is online, and as I just implied, an awful lot of stuff is now online, then we can talk about metadata, organization, discoverability.

And that time is now.

I unintentionally got quoted all over the archiving and library scenes when, in a talk I was giving at the New York Public Library, I said “Metadata is a Love Note to the Future“. This rang true with a lot of people, and it speaks to the oddness of what metadata is and who and how it serves.

Intense, machine-searchable information about artifacts and collections, be they digital or physical or whatever, has a value that is primarily based on faith. You can enjoy the object right now in your hands, but turning it into a photograph or a .wav file and then tacking on a whole range of information you might not have even had at the moment, is preparing for a future that you have no idea about.

I assure you, there are hundreds of books contemplating the nature of objects in past, present and future, and how we as human beings interact and interface with these objects. I’m not going there. But I’m going to say that the effort put into generating contextual data about an item provides all sorts of benefits, but almost completely in theory unless you know you have an audience waiting for it. That makes it a very tough sell for people to ‘just do’, like they might bookmark or do a retweet or notation in a weblog. It’s involved. you usually have to pay people. And if you pay people, it gets expensive quickly.

So my efforts will be to make metadata generation for items on the Internet Archive as painless, as collaborative, as rewarding as possible. I’ll likely utilize custom scripts, wikis, let’s-raise-the-barn events and shout-outs for folks to get involved however they want to. I also will work on automation of same, where a person is signing off on the efforts of machines, instead of typing in the year when the stupid thing is telling you the year right there and in a billion obvious locations.

It’s a tough problem with a lot of moving parts! Hence it’s a goal, to be implemented over time and with endless refinements as I progress. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Even more fundamental is the issue of Discovery and Exploration.

There are people who have no idea the Internet Archive exists, Wayback or digital media or anything. There are people who only know it for Wayback. And then there’s people who know it “pretty well”, knowing we have a whole bunch of audio and video and books and software. You are likely among this last group.

And you still have no idea, no idea, how much stuff is at the Internet Archive and its collections.

I just checked The Thing That Tells Me Stuff and it tells me that in my time at the Archive I have personally uploaded 229,000 individual “items” (some of which are grouped files) for a total of 262 terabytes of data.

I’m throwing a lot in, but I’m hardly the only one throwing a lot in. Some of my co-workers in the “collections” group I work at have shoved in millions of individual items, ranging from documents and journals through to the video, audio, and so on. Let’s not even touch the wayback, which has over 368 billion (with a b) URL captures.

When I send you somewhere, say, deep into a collection of magazines or over to some Apple II documentation or up into a massive audio record… well, forget the surface, we’re not even scratching the surface of the surface.

It is a terrifying, frightening cornucopia. It is a horn of plenty so pitch-dark with content that I am not 100% convinced the problem is solvable, unless the nature of humanity changes overnight and even then we’re talking a couple years of hard work.

But there you go. In conjunction with other efforts by other folks at the Archive, the plan is to make strides in discoverability, usefulness and access to the vast and ever-growing stacks of the Internet Archive, which, again, I promise you, are massive.

Every site that has a forward-facing website and then terabytes of goodness down the line has this exact problem, by the way. Every museum and archive with warehouses and storage units extending into the darkness has the problem as well. It’s not a new problem, but it’s one I’m willing to tackle.

Hey, if they weren’t called ratholes, everyone would want to go down them.


A Thing With Feathers —

The challenge to make my presentation outfits more enjoyably outrageous continues, and it escalates.

Nobody is telling me my outfits need to be outrageous, of course – I just know, in my heart, that it’s what needs to be done. Just like I know that digging in intractably on the principles of protecting user data needs to be done, or that spending years helping people port some huge codebase into javascript needs to be done. It must be done, it must be.

Anyway, I was still fishing around for a combination of striking and not insanely expensive for my presentation at Build Conference 2013 (Belfast, Ireland), when it came out of the blue – black angel wings with a formal outfit.

This worked out.

(The rest of the set, and the other photos of me, are by Rachel Lovinger.)

This has resulted in one of my favorite photographs of the last 10 years:


What are my motivations?

Well, first of all, a subset of places I speak at are particularly well-run and particularly careful about treating their audience and presenters well. This includes XOXO Festival, Webstock, dconstruct, and this one, Build. Others are family to me, and definitely done by people who care, but this group of events pay for airfare, hotel, provide excellent lodgings, and activities. They really bring an A-game and hype the presenters to be the best of what they could bring that year – I consider that a challenge, and I feel they’re trusting in me. So I make sure the talks are extra sparkly, and I try to go the extra mile in terms of being available and, if possible, wearing something memorable.

This worked out well.

More than seeing photos of me prancing about in this outfit, this entry is really about the more critical information: the current state of wing-costume purchasing.

The collapse of the industrial sector in the US smashed up against the ubiquity of internet accessibility and online commerce, along with improved manufacturing techniques in materials means this is the best time ever to get a costume with wings.

If you’re just looking to get by with a basic set of feather-laden things on your back and call it a day, the price is somewhere around $20-$30. The wings are not of fantastic quality but they get the job done. They’ll look something like this:

mr6v5Zcb37g4dubuVd1uWhwThere are wings available that are cheaper than $20, but at that point it’s obvious you just don’t give a shit, or you consider nylon dragged across some flexible wire to be a “wing”, instead of the stuff we’re talking about here, with real feathers. Get out of here.

I went for a different class of wing, in the $100-$150 range. Here’s what they looked like on a mannequin at the site I bought them at:

$(KGrHqR,!hgF!ys+5d!sBQR(+Pgqz!~~60_3If it appears I have less wing feathers than the model, here’s why: the secret of all the costumes under a certain price is that feathers fall off. They’re bound by glue onto plastic plates, and they fall off. In my case, they came very well packed, but then I flew from New York City to Belfast with them, with the wings in the cabin, and frankly I’m surprised they survived as well as they did.

I then made the executive decision that fucked-up wings were more bad-ass.

If I had decided that wings were my new “thing”, and that I’d be expected to show up with wings to all later speaking engagements, well, then you start getting into the $500-$2000 range. Yes, that’s right, $2000 for wings. If you want to see what that looks like, it looks like this…

$800 or thereabouts:



And “fuck it, I wanted to buy wings that will strike fear into people”, $1700:



I’m sorry honey – at that point you are no longer going to parties. You are the party. The site that sells this particular model, Dragon Wings, says that this particular costume folds up in four places for easier shipping, in case you want to go on the road with your winged antics. Note that unlike the previous wings that use straps on your shoulders, this one needs an additional belt to keep the whole mess in check. They claim it weighs 17 pounds.

I also brought a pair of backup wings, which ended up being the “social” wings for the post presentation parties. Here’s Rachel and I modeling two different sizes of wings, hers being of the $25 variety, and mine of the $35 variety.



I had a conversation with some folks a ways back at an event I’ve forgotten the details about, and I had one person say “Oh, you’re not gay! I read your blog, I assumed you’re gay.”

Well, OK, let me know how that browser plugin works, but I will say one thing: being interested in making an impression before you say the first syllable of your presentation is for everyone. We fill a room with souls, we make them all spend an hour or two listening to someone pointing at pictures or telling stories, and behind the scenes are people working their asses off to provide the best experience for all involved. Being in people’s minds weeks after comes from a lot of factors, but it doesn’t hurt to walk out on stage and be the best thing in the room. The least you can do is put as much care into proving the person on stage should get your full attention, and then sealing the deal once you tell everyone the great stuff you’re up to and what there is to learn.

Oh, and musicals! I love musicals.




JSMESS Makes a Little Noise —

Stuff just keeps falling in place with JSMESS.

As of this moment, we have a version that handles sound.

If you want to test out if your browser/machine/audio setup works well, you can’t do much better than clicking on this link and seeing if you’re hearing a ColecoVision play Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal.


Assuming you didn’t just crash your browser, machine, car or phone, and it sounds decent, then the rest of the systems on the JSMESS demonstration page are going to be a treat.

Regarding this excellent Smooth Criminal cartridge image, 2009, the creator of this cartridge did a pretty amazing thing – he went ahead and ran the same program through a ton of emulators so you can see how much massive variation there is between a “real” ColecoVision and all the emulations.

The point is, sound is hard.

Luckily, the way the system works for JSMESS, if sound is working in the browser for one system, it works well across all supported systems – they’re all ultimately using the same audio output.

Unfortunately for the big Historical Software announcement from October, the audio APIs in browsers were shifting around a bit too much for me to allow the Internet Archive to be running sound. People noticed, people complained.

After a round of testing and tweaking, and nailing down any other issues, this improved version will go into the Internet Archive’s collection, meaning that sound will be a part of the place going forward.

It just keeps getting better! And noisier.

JSMESS Now Supports USB Joypads. Sort of. —

Huge breakthrough this week. JSMESS now supports USB-connected Joypads.

In a few browsers. If you do the right thing at the right time. With luck.


Here’s how it works.

First, you need a browser that’s compatible with something called the Joypad API. As of this exact moment, that would be Google Chrome (most recent versions) and Firefox (most recent versions). In the case of Firefox, joypads will work if you type “about:config” into the toolbar and set dom.gamepad.enabled to trueHey, who said the cutting edge was comfortable?

You’ll need a USB Joypad. This looks like a game controller with a USB plug at the end of the cord. I checked around, and I found them for sale in many chain stores, such as GameStop, Best Buy, Sears, K-Mart and Target. The price ranges from I-can’t-believe-it-stays-functional $15 to $150 arcade-quality-stands-on-your-desk nightmares. I bought a test one for $25.

Over the last few years, people have made a whole range of ways to hook up Atari Joysticks, Nintendo Gamepads, Sony and Microsoft Gamepads, and other related items up through USB. Trust me, it’s a big fat tested market full of many items which you would be able to acquire with little effort.

The “Joypads in the Browser” API thing is not just new, it’s “steaming hot asphalt laid down 30 seconds ago and you’re walking through it” new. I find it pretty ironic that in the quest to be able to reach deep into history, decades of computer software and so much older material, we’re at the same time doing beta-grade updates and running standards that are still 90% wet paint. But that’s what JSMESS is about – innovation and changing the world.

So, here’s what you have to do:

  • Get a USB Joypad, and plug it into your machine with a browser.
  • Press down on a button on the Joypad.
  • Go to this link to start up a game of Pitfall! for the Atari 2600.
  • With luck, you’ll be able to go left and right with your joystick and it’ll work.

If it doesn’t work, there’s a whole range of things wrong. We’ll be fixing up our loader so that it’ll say “Joypad Detected” or something, in the future. One cheap fix is to hold down a button on your joypad and hit reload on the browser. If it doesn’t work after a few tries, don’t overwork yourself – it’ll get smoother and better over time. We don’t need bug reports this second – we know it’s rough.

But when it works… oh!


The experience of using the consoles and some computers with additional hardware like this is critical to some people – the games and programs were certainly designed with hardware like this in mind, and the experience wouldn’t be complete without having your hands wrapped around a control as opposed to pressing keys or clicking on screen-based representation of a controller.

It’s a fairly severe debate, which mires people into not enjoying or dismissing the keyboard-only experience, or saying that if we can’t have the controllers, the project shouldn’t be done. I dismiss that heartily, but one of the advantages of the JSMESS project is that by following the MESS/MAME codebase, all the work being done in emulation and additional support are going to fall into place much faster than if we were a 100% independent emulation project.

I don’t want to go into detail about all the other cool features JSMESS is capable of due to being a code conversion of MESS, but believe me, the MESS/MAME people have been working very hard for many years to make their project do a whole range of interface tricks and output variations, and JSMESS will hopefully benefit from that sooner rather than later.

Until then, look forward to smoother and smoother controller support in JSMESS and another aspect of the computing history experience to find its way into your hands.

Lost in the Sands of Internet Time —

A few weeks ago, I got a mail asking for help tracking down documents:


Hi Jason,

I am trying to locate three computer manuals. I just need the title page, copyright page, and date stamp showing a date received from 1996. I have already checked several library resources. A librarian colleague suggested I contact you.

These are the titles:

Asynchronous HDLC MC6360 ASYNC HDLC Protocol Microcode User’s Manual, Rev. 1.1, January 24, 1996

(no record on WorldCat)

Universal Serial Bus Specification, Rev. 1.0, January 15, 1996

(one holding on WorldCat, cannot supply)

MPC860 PowerQUICC User’s Manual, 1996

(one holding on WorldCat, cannot supply)

Would you have anything like this in your collection?

People often come to me asking about this document or that program, and even about this BBS or that online service. Personally, I don’t have that much in the way of data compared to how much data was generated over the years, but I can usually get my hands on it one way or another.

In the case of all three of these, I just couldn’t find it in a reasonable time. (A reasonable time in this case was a day or two of checking idly.)

I was particularly disturbed I couldn’t find a PDF of the Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev. 1.0 with that date – I found later items, and later versions, but not that one, which I think most people would agree is pretty historically significant.

It’d be nice if the audience found these so I could help this person, but it’s the greater lesson that I’m thinking of.

The weird situation I’ve encountered over my years is how blindingly contrasted the availability of historical data is, with regard to computer materials, or “born digital” as the kids call it these days.

When we get our hands on something in the era of “I consider this stuff important”, well, that material is saved. People duplicate it with no effort, spread it around the world, and put it into webservers and torrents and what have you.

But if you can’t find it, it’s gone. There’s almost no way to find the material by just rooting around in the cellar – it’s probably on floppy disks or hard drives or clogged up in some crazy archive format that nobody automatically scans at the moment.

It’s one or the other.

This is partially why I am a huge fan right now of dumping as much crap into the online world as fast as possible – later efforts to go through this stuff can only succeed if the stuff in question is within the reach of spiders, scripts and programs that eyeball vast farms of data. It’s why I’ve been uploading massive .tar files on, ISO images, digitized videotape, and all the rest.

I deal with people who think it all has to wait, offline or inaccessible, until it is summoned out of the green room for the big debut, wearing the most precious costume of hand-woven metadata and ready for the close-ups and the musical finale. This is short-sighted and not accurate to the situation.

Right now, the person above has a perfectly reasonable request, and the world fails them. I hope, down the line, these and other requests will be more easily fulfilled. My dream is to upload as much as possible, as quickly as possible, and let a thousand legitiate wishes come true.

Until then, it’s gone forever. Well, until it isn’t.

Update: Within about 40 minutes of this posting, several people stepped forward and had been able to find these documents. As expected, they were buried in obscure locations and in one case inside a large .ZIP file. Thanks to everyone who helped here – the general positions in this entry continue to be the case, but the three eggs for the easter egg hunt have been found. 

Looking for Volunteers for the Scanning Brigade —

If you live within 30-60 minutes of Hopewell Junction, NY and the prospect interests you, I’m seeking volunteers to run a book scanner at my Information Cube that will allow us to scan a large amount of materials extremely quickly. Please hit me up at to discuss it, suggest people, or otherwise line up for the fun.

IMG_27612013 has been a very good year for me. Busy as all heck, but very, very good. Off the top of my head, I’ve been to Seattle, San Francisco, Louisville, Las Vegas, Washington DC, Boston, New York City, Pittburgh, and then in New Zealand, Finland, England, Iceland… with trips coming up to the Netherlands and Ireland. In this year I’ve also finished the DEFCON Documentary, pushed out JSMESS, got a pile of things up onto in general, and continued to have no major medical disasters as I take pills for blood pressure and gout. I am in really good shape!

All that travel, though, means that I will have spent over 200 days out of 2013 not in my house. And that means that a really important project has been getting shunted.

It needs to stop getting shunted.

IMG_2780I took delivery, this year, of a book scanner from the Internet Archive. It is a very good book scanner, one of the best for what it does, and without involving robots and microscopes. It will scan a book in no time, and produce something really, really nice.

I pushed for this thing, a little hard in fact, and so I have one here, at my home, ready to scan in books. They had to send someone to do final adjustments, it took a long time for me to get the network working just so… it was a big deal and the Internet Archive was really kind to let this near one-of-a-kind setup exist.

And then I got busy.


So there’s this world-class scanning setup, in the house, and I’ve scanned a few books on it, but it is a goddamned war crime that this perfectly working setup is right here and ready to go and I’m not on it 8 hours a day bringing materials online. A crime.

So it’s time to get real on this thing.

I’d like to talk to people interested in volunteering to learn to become scanners. You can scan stuff I’ve got in my inbox, or you can bring your own stuff. Any stuff. We can discuss what this thing works best with, and what it doesn’t. It can handle a lot of stuff, although straight-up books are the best thing it does.

Ideally, you can drive over, you come over every once in a while, and scan away. Perhaps you travel here from somewhere, stay over in a hotel or in a cot here (I suggest hotel), and scan away. There’s a train station nearby that I can pick people up in, and so it’s possible to get here from anywhere that can get to Beacon (from NYC) or Poughkeepsie (from a number of other places).

There’s no money or payment in any of this – it’s just doing good work. That might not be for everyone, and I totally get that and respect it. I’d love to get grants, or have a school or other organization funding it so students can learn a task. But I am not waiting for that situation before reaching out.

So give me a mail-out with questions, ideas, commentary, you name it. is the address to contact me through. This is ongoing and I will update this entry if things come up or more information arrives.

I hope people jump for this. This is important stuff and an amazing opportunity. Let’s seize it.



Just Keep Solving the Problem Month —



I had hoped “Just Solve the Problem Month” would be a yearly thing. In my original entry about this event and how it would go, I expected us to aim ourselves at a new direction and throw people at a problem that just needed some attention. Every year. So each year would bring to a crashing halt the endless yammering about a known issue that just needed a few hundred sets of eyeballs on it to go away.

The fact is, my life’s been pretty busy, what with the JSMESS and the documentary filming, and the awesome job in general and a stupid amount of travel (over 180 days away from home this year so far, with another few weeks still to not be home) … well, there’s just been no time for me to sit down and devise what might make the 2013 Just Solve The Problem month worth working on. That, well, that is a bummer.

So, I’m going to punt, after a fashion, and instead point you in a different angle – basically, last year’s Just Solve the Problem has turned out to be amazing.

Now called, the File Formats Wiki is full of over 2,500 pages covering all aspects of formats, be they digital, analog, organic…. old, new, just-discovered and long-forgotten.

You see, long after the few dozens who were working on it faded into other efforts, a small handful of folks just kept going. The two biggies are Dan Tobias and J. Summers, but a few others have helped along as well. That Wiki is rocking.

The dream still holds – put all the file format information we can into one wiki, referencing all the pages of the Internet or coming up with our own original resource to try and insure both notification of the existence of formats, but also pointers for places like the Internet Archive to vacuum up these reference pages into the Wayback Machine. In this way, a body of work could truly grow and be of use. And since it’s all Creative Commons Public Domain, it can be absorbed into all the file format wikis with limited scope or budget or government oversight, so the information is protected.

It’s a great dream. In many ways it’s come true and it still is.

So maybe, this year, a bunch more people can hop in and refine it. Not cut off “useless” or “unwanted” pages – the whole point is that everything stays up, even if it’s ref links. I mean more along the lines of getting the front page of the Wiki to be very helpful to getting to sub-pages and subsections. Cleaning up the look where possible. Maybe making some template boxes to add to the others. Finding inter-page links worth making. In other words just improving the wiki.

You can register to join the Wiki today, and all month. The File Formats Wiki welcomes your help. It’s a problem worth tackling. Let’s see what November brings us.

Let’s keep solving the problem.