ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for January, 2009

Rob Swindell and the Synchronet Museum —

I interviewed Rob Swindell for the BBS Documentary. At the time, he looked like this: This is, believe it or not, officially 6 and a half years ago. Time really does fly!  And if you need any further proof of that, his kid was asleep next to me during the interview, here: And here she […]


Well, when I wrote my initial angry screed and then followed it up with an angry screed responding to the resulting angry responses I knew I had to act, so I registered, sat on the IRC channel I mentioned (#archiveteam on EFnet) and waited to see what would happen. I’ve called for projects with collaborators […]

Tennis Court Phone —

There’s a strange bit of editing in Debbie Does Dallas I wanted to point out, since there’s something filmatic to be learned from it. Debbie Does Dallas, in case you’ve missed it, is one of the most successful porn films of all time. The plot, such as it is, concerns some girls who are cheerleaders and […]

Team Archive is GO —

Registered, set up, and now live, ARCHIVETEAM.ORG is a wiki dedicated to saving data, assembling mirroring or retrieval efforts, and providing simple links to methodologies of archiving data. Think of it as a really profane, rough and tumble version of a library sciences convention. If you are suddenly filled with a sense of outrage or […]

Datapocalypso! —

Well, nothing like coming back from a holiday trip to find yourself slashdotted. Actually, there’s really nothing like finding yourself slashdotted back in 2001. Nowadays, not so much; a mere six thousand visitors over a couple days with a few more crawling in days after that.  Web servers have gotten pretty good at what they do […]

The Little Black Diamond —

This little guy showed up in my “pending” folder of suspected spam: FleexuplixBes SOMEWHERE/members/natashha Submitted: Great web-site!!! You did an amazing job!!! I enjoyed watching the videos!!! You guys are great! Talking about ideas, there\s this really good show, which I like a lot, and I\m sure you\ve heared about it. It\s called […]


So, 2009. It’s a tradition that people use the arbitrary time of the first day of the year to talk about where they’ve been and where they’re going.  Indulge me while I do same. This weblog has worked out pretty well for me; besides being a place where I can work out essays of thought […]