ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

Archive for the ‘computer history’ Category

Scanning Infocom: Done Scanning —

Well, that took quite a bit of time. To recap. Some time last year Steve Meretzky let me go into his basement and scan a selection of items for my documentary. Some time later, I asked if it might be possibly to fully scan some of these notebooks and documents, for posterity. Steve agreed, which […]

Archive Team: Under Construction —

We’re nowhere near done with the absorbing of as much of Geocities as we can take, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a little time to show off the kind of stuff that’s being scooped up in great handfuls by the machinery. Among these things are the idea of the “Under Construction” graphic, a […]

Final Notice from Geocities —

Oh, you all better be making plans, kids. The last of the alerts has gone out. Boy, imagine if this was your only direct alert to this. Imagine if they didn’t have your current e-mail, since they wouldn’t have told you of this. Imagine you died, and your family didn’t know your password. Imagine you […]

Destruction Orders, For Example —

So, in scanning thousands of pages of Infocom history, the next question is what use this all might have. As it stands, I can give an extremely obscure example. Likely you’re going to be left with the same impression you previously had; that is, you will continue to think what I’ve been doing is a […]

Infocom Advertising —

While I’m at it, here’s a collection of Infocom Advertisements from the 1980s.  It was scanned in by Infocom Alumni to recall the many appearances that Infocom made in periodicals and other print locations. Each one had its charm, and some of them have stuck with myself and others for decades beyond seeing them. This […]

Scanning Even More Infocom —

I’ve been a little busy this summer with a lot of projects, to say the least. One of them involved going to Steve Meretzky’s basement to scan things. Some time later, I asked of Steve if it would be possible to, well, you know.. scan every scrap of paper related to Infocom he had.  Nicely, […]

Game Over (A Moment of Silence) —

A moment of silence, please, for an arcade you didn’t play at. There are, as I’m sure you might guess, lots of private arcades out there, ranging from just a few games in the basement up to full-blown professional-level places that could rival anything anybody has played in. Some of them open for friends, or […]

A Very Successful DENCON —

As mentioned previously, the plan was set into motion many months ago to bring a little retrocomputing spirit to DEFCON. That plan was successful. Load-in was intense and a little late in the day on Thursday. I think my favorite moment of that was when we realized we needed a few more people to handle […]

Disruptive History —

I figured I’d bring this out in the open, because it’s an interesting facet of being a place where history is being told. And not just history, of course, but very specific history that a small number of people care about. It’s one thing to want “the truth” in history, and to want to know […]

Kansasfest 2009 —

I attended KansasFest 2009, the 20th anniversary. KansasFest is, basically, a 5-day Apple II-centric conference held in a dormitory/university in Kansas City, MO (hence the name). The history is that it had a previous name, but was informally called KansasFest, and when the original sponsor disappeared, the conference kept going and they kept the “new” […]