ASCII by Jason Scott

Jason Scott's Weblog

The Adventurers’ Club —

I’ve opened up a little experiment, a little idea today. It’s called “The Adventurers’ Club” and here’s how it works.

The next documentary, GET LAMP, is about text adventures. The equipment I used to shoot the BBS Documentary is a bit long in the tooth, and there’s been a lot of advancement in the 4 years since I started shooting, and the 6 years since they started selling the camera that I used. So, I really need to buy a little more equipment to shore that up, and also to reach for a higher ground in terms of video and sound quality.

Also, I’m shooting in high definition. Yes, that’s right, I’m shooting a documentary about text adventures in high definition.

In fact, the price of HDV cameras have gone down considerably in the past few years, but it’s still a lot of money to put out there at once. Money’s always a stress, and I’m hesitant to start taking money out of the BBS Documentary project (which is still ongoing) and aim that in a new direction, if I can help it.

So, I decided to offer up a pre-sale subscription to the eventual product. I call it “The Adventurers’ Club”.

The webpage for it is here.

Here’s the pitch and the thinking. You pay in $100 now. You get a copy of the BBS Documentary DVD set immediately, and since I’m charging $40 for that, you’re actually (sort of) sending me $60.

When the DVD/movie is finished a couple of years from now, you get three copies sent to you. And you get them first before anybody. Also, you get your name in the credits, no matter where it goes; television, theatres, DVDs, Sony PSPs, Mobile Phones, Ipods, you name it.

In return, I end up with a financial boost which I can apply towards not playing “cheap-out” games in terms of purchasing equipment, lights, and other related items to making the thing look good.

Naturally, this is quite a level of trust I am asking of people. All I can do is point to the previous work and say “I’m going to do another film like that one.” Or, more accurately, “The guy who made that film is going to make another one.”

Will this fly? I don’t know. Here’s hoping. I’ll report here after the club is closed (I expect I will shut down investment after about a month and a half) how many people joined up.

The web page for the club explains the thinking and the details, so check it out.

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  1. Anony Moose says:

    You Bastard 🙂
    If/When I get the money I am definitly in, but what to do with this second copy of the BBS documentary.. hmm ..

  2. Joshua says:

    I already have good plans for my copy. I plan on giving it away on an episode of Living in Syn.

  3. Masked and Anonymous says:

    “You Bastard” is right! Now I have to decide between buying the BBS Documentary and this!

  4. Kiel says:

    Hey Jason, what about merchandising your BBS doc cover art? I think the phone/binary logo in particular would be a hit.

    Maybe there are all kinds of problems with that suggestion; if so, ignore it.